Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Definition and Examples of Inflections in English Grammar

Inflection refers to  a process of word formation in which items are added to the base form of a word to express grammatical meanings. The word inflection comes from the Latin inflectere, meaning to bend. Inflections in English grammar include the genitive s; the plural -s; the third-person singular -s; the past tense -d, -ed, or -t; the negative particle nt; -ing forms of verbs; the comparative -er; and the superlative -est. While inflections take a variety of forms, they are most often prefixes or suffixes. They are used to express different grammatical categories. For example, the inflection  -s  at the end of dogs shows that the noun is plural. The same  inflection  -s  at the end of  runs  shows that the subject is in the third-person singular (s/he runs). The inflection -ed is often used to indicate the past tense, changing walk to walked and listen to listened. In this way, inflections are used to show grammatical categories such as  tense,  person, and number. Inflections can also be used to indicate a words part of speech. The prefix en-, for example, transforms the noun gulf into the verb engulf. The suffix -er transforms the verb read into the noun reader. In The Frameworks of English, Kim Ballard writes, When considering inflections, it can...be helpful to use the notion of a  stem.  A stem is what remains of a word when any inflections are removed from it. In other words, inflections are added to the stem of a word. So  frogs  is made up of the stem frog  and the inflection  -s, while  turned  is made up of the stem  turn  and the inflection  -ed. Inflection Rules English words follow different rules for inflection based on their part of speech and grammatical category. The most common rules are listed below. Part of Speech Grammatical Category Inflection Examples Noun Number -s, -es Flower → FlowersGlass → Glasses Noun, Pronoun Case (Genitive) -'s, -', -s Paul → Paul'sFrancis → Francis'It → Its Pronoun Case (Reflexive) -self, -selves Him → HimselfThem → Themselves Verb Aspect (Progressive) -ing Run → Running Verb Aspect (Perfect) -en, -ed Fall → (Has) fallenFinish → (Has) finished Verb Tense (Past) -ed Open → Opened Verb Tense (Present) -s Open → Opens Adjective Degree of Comparison (Comparative) -er Smart → Smarter Adjective Degree of Comparison (Superlative) -est Smart → Smartest Not all English words follow the rules in this table. Some are inflected using sound changes known as vowel alternations, the most common of which are ablauts and umlauts. The word teach, for example, is marked as past tense by changing its vowel sound, producing the word  taught (rather than teached). Likewise, the word goose is pluralized by changing its vowel sound to produce the word geese. Other irregular plurals include words like oxen, children, and teeth. Some words, such as must and ought, are never inflected at all, no matter the context in which they appear. These words are considered invariant. Many animal nouns share the same singular and plural forms, including bison, deer, moose, salmon, sheep, shrimp, and squid. Conjugation The inflection of English verbs is also known as conjugation. Regular verbs follow the rules listed above and consist of three parts: the base verb (present tense), the base verb plus -ed (simple past tense), and the base verb plus -ed (past participle). For example, following these rules, the verb look (as in, I look around the room) becomes, in both the simple past tense and the past participle, looked (I looked around the room, I have looked around the room). While most verbs follow these conjugation rules, there are over 200 words in the English language that do not. These irregular verbs include be, begin, bid, bleed, catch, deal, drive, eat, feel, find, forget, go, grow, hang, have, hide, leave, lose, meet, pay, prove, ride, ring, seek, send, shall, shine, show, sing, spin, steal, take, tear, wear, and win. Since these words do not follow the rules for most English verbs, their unique conjugations must be learned on their own. ​Sources S. Greenbaum, The Oxford English Grammar. Oxford University Press, 1996.R. Carter and M. McCarthy, Cambridge Grammar of English. Cambridge University Press, 2006.Kim Ballard, The Frameworks of English: Introducing Language Structures, 3rd ed. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.A. C. Baugh, A History of the English Language, 1978.Simon Horobin,  How English Became English. Oxford University Press, 2016.

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Case Of Brain Cancer Essay - 1788 Words

One of the most basic ways to approach any situation is to research general information, basic facts, and a logical or scientific output given from a credible source. In the case of brain cancer, this would involve a doctor with a background in oncological training, perhaps surgery, or a familiarity of the technology used in surgical proceedings from a medical standpoint. Science and medicine are disciplines that have progressed exorbitantly in the preceding decades. One such breakthrough was the emergence of radiosurgery as a viable, common, and affordable alternative to regular invasive surgery. As with most developments in any field, this one was borne from a need. Invasive procedures are valuable and lifesaving, however, that type of operation has limitations. Perhaps the most crucial development from radiosurgery has been the ability to operate in areas of the body that would be impossible to safely reach with a scalpel. Radiosurgery was initially developed in 1951, and has had a long period of refinement. Its meta-analysis control rate is 98% for small tumors, while the overall average is 96% (â€Å"Advancements in Radiosurgery†). It is different from regular forms of surgery because it uses beams of radiation as directed and mapped out by a computer, whereas regular surgery involves actual incisions and the opening of the body. It works by specifically targeting an area to concentrate the radiation and eliminate or reduce the radiation to surrounding areas of the body,Show MoreRelatedWhat are Brain Tumors?1342 Words   |  5 PagesBrain Tumour Definition Simply defined, brain tumour is a growth of abnormal cells in your brain. There are different types of brain tumours – while some brain tumours are noncancerous (benign), others are cancerous (malignant). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Art of Competition for College Students - 530 Words

During our daily routine, we see many different individuals. We can only wonder where they come from, who they are, and what they are doing here. Unfortunately, people tend to forget who are around them because our eyes are solely glued onto a small screen or too distracted by the sounds of music pulsating through their ears. People nowadays are fixated on discovering what their purpose is. By being a college student, you are entitled to just studying and doing well in school because we all want a great job later on. The pressure of competition comes into play and how it is so difficult to pursue a career knowing that another individual can have it. The requirements that are expected from people develop into more self-seeking individuals. Competition for having a career becomes very stressful and exhausting. Long hours of studying, restless nights are all attributes of what a college student goes through. With California alone, there is an unemployment rate of 8.9% as of August 2013. Fear just forms within a student’s mind when they think about what their future may consist of. Questions run through their mind of whether or not they will ever be in that unemployment rate or will a career lead them to never landing in that percentage. People are like â€Å"ants carrying the leaves or stuff found along the way towards their central home.† (Anderson and Figueroa) Ants have a direct purpose. Students are very similar where they are buying books to study or carrying that notebookShow MoreRelatedAcademic Achievements : The American College Testing Exam1183 Words   |  5 Pages ACHIEVEMENTS Academic Achievements As a student, I strive hard to learn as much as I can and put my knowledge to good use. Since 1st Quarter of my 6th grade year, I have maintained a straight-A average. As of the second semester of my 10th grade, my current weighted GPA is approximately 4.2407, while my unweighted GPA is 4.0. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Mechanics Intended Transformation

Question: Describe about the Mechanics Intended Transformation. Answer: For the new online system, suggest and explain at least one indicator for each performance criteria of; efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness. Online system of booking has been able to achieve the intended transformation within the minimum use of resource among the four mechanics. For instance, it takes practically fifteen to twenty minutes to explain a problem online, confirm a booking in addition to requesting of auxiliary services such as car was or oil change. The system also enables the mechanics to be able estimate the time and cost of their job through the use of their admin whose main work is also to confirm bookings. The effectiveness of the online system is further demonstrated by the fact they are able to capture important information such as the email of the client in addition to their address thus preventing frauds or any intended malpractice. Other information also includes the model of the car, year of make, odometer reading and the telephone number of the client. Describe dimensions for all stakeholders of impact of your proposed new information system within the business for all stakeholders. Describe the proposed impact of the new system on the organization, groups and individuals. the online system of booking that has been formulated by the organization results into what is known as interface. The developed mode of technology can be used in various ways which includes early booking by the clients, confirmation on the side of the mechanics, additionally, the physical and contact address of the clients is accessible. This makes work easier because the mechanic can be prepared early enough to work on brakes and repair. The client is also able to drop their car at agreed time and pick conveniently without disrupting their schedule. The system is also easy to learn and helps so much when it comes to remunerability. The client can simply have a reminder on their email or even a sticky note about their date with the mechanic. The clients do not have to waste time coming to the garage to book an appointment making the system very efficiency because there is no time for delays for input if output. There are very few mistakes or none at all made by such a system making it very reliable in use. Conclusively, user satisfaction is guaranteed in such a system. To the stakeholders the system developer or rather the producer is able to monitor if the online system is working or a total failure. The clients are which in this case serve as the management play an important role which is to provide a resource for development. The users are able to give a feedback on the online system and finally, the customers, suppliers and competitors are the external forces which brings us to the negative parts of the online system. If a another company or even organization is able to come up with a better system then the clients will automatically flow to the company. identify and justify the organizational form of this business using Mintzbergs classification. The organizational structure of this business is the simple structure or what ids also known as entrepreneurial. There are only four staff. Labor is also loosely divided among the four mechanics and the managerial hierarchy is very small. Transmission technicians and rebuilder is done by one person. Brake repairs by two people, automotive air conditioning reaper is also done by one person. There is no formalization on the behavior of the structure i.e. the training, planning, lesion devices are not frequently used. Use Lyytinen and Hircschheims 4 categories of systems failure in slide 9 and the grid in slide 10;what type of failure is predicted and offer advice to ensure the system success. According to Lyytinen and Hircschheims systems fail because those involved in and affected as well not well put into consideration. He goes ahead to give a 4 dimension of information system failure which apparently matched the one being addressed in this assignment test. I would suggest that that in order to avoid correspondence failure, the clients should actually make time to come and explain to the, mechanic the problem of his or her car physically even after booking. This is for the purpose of clarification in addition to avoiding expectations failures. In order for the process to succeed, its imperative that an IT personnel keeps checking on it regularly and consistently to detect any technical issue and address it as soon as possible.