Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Online trust in Singapore context Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Online trust in Singapore context - Assignment Example 8 (a). The table below shows Spearman correlation analysis between â€Å"good product guarantees† and â€Å"products arrive in good condition†, where the rows represent the respondents’ opinions in good services and the columns represent the frequencies of the respondents structured answers in relation to the opinions. 8 (b). The table below represents spearman correlation analysis between â€Å"security information explained† and â€Å"safety of credits cards guaranteed†, where the rows represent the respondents’ opinions in good services and the columns represent the frequencies of the respondents structured answers in relation to the opinions. 8 (c). The table above shows spearman’s correlation between â€Å"uses of personal details explained† and â€Å"personal details kept confidential† where the rows represent the respondents’ opinions in good services and the columns represent the frequencies of the respondents structured answers in relation to the opinions. The 8 (eight) tables above are frequency tables that represent various variables analysed in question 10 of the survey. The variables are ‘Agree’, ‘Number of respondents’, ‘Disagree’, ‘Not sure’, ‘Strongly Agree’, ‘Strongly Disagree’, ‘skipped’ and ‘Total number of Respondents’. 10. The table below shows Spearman correlation between, â€Å"Whether the website looks and works generally the same as other online stores† and â€Å"The whole website experience is normal and without any unexpected situations (e.g. the appearance of pop up ads)† where the rows represent the respondents opinions as regards their trust in an online store and the columns represent the extents and frequencies of the respondents structured answers in relation to their reasoned levels of trust. 12 (a). The table below shows Spearman correlation between â€Å"presence of forums in the online store for you to check and discuss issues with other customers’’ and â€Å"if users post incorrect

Monday, October 28, 2019

English Essay Example for Free

English Essay Culture polity, traditions, language, food, costume, belief system, architecture, arts, craft, music, dance, and sports which will be discussed in this article to give you an indication of Fijis indigenous community but also the various communities which make up Fiji as a modern culture and living. The indigenous culture is an active and living part of everyday life for the majority of the population. However, it has evolved with the introduction of vibrant and old cultures including Indian, Chinese and European culture, and various cultures from the Pacific neighbors of Fiji; in particular the Tongan and Rotuman cultures. The culture of Fiji, including language, has created a unique communal and national identity. Tradition and hierarchy Fijian indigenous society is very communal, with great importance attached to the family unit, the village, and the vanua (land). [1] A hierarchy of chiefs presides over villages, clans, and tribes. Chiefly positions are hereditary; a deceased chief is invariably followed by a kinsman or kinswoman, though not necessarily his own son or daughter. This reflects Polynesian influence: in most other Melanesian societies, chiefs are appointed on merit. The largest social unit for Fijians is the Yavusa, defined by R. A. Derrick as the direct agnate descendants of a single kalou-vu (deified ancestor). Chiefly succession was from older brother/sister to younger brother/sister, after the death of their father/mother. When the youngest brother/sister died, the eldest son/daughter of the eldest brother/sister became chief. This tradition still influences Fijian society today, though less rigidly: there is more of a tendency nowadays towards primogeniture. [2][3] Each brother/sister in the family then formed his own branch of the yavusa, called the Mataqali. Each mataqali became the custodian of a specific task. A fully developed Yavusa has several mataqali: * Turaga: This mataqali descends from the original ancestor through primogeniture inheritance of the eldest son in each succeeding generation. The chief of a village is always chosen from the Turaga mataqali. [1][4] * Sauturaga: These are next in rank to the chiefs, support him, and enforce his commands and also have final say in the installation of a Chief[1] * Mata ni vanua: These form the official heralds of the village. They are also in charge of ceremonial functions. [5] * Bete: This was the traditional priestly class. The kalou-vu was believed to speak through the Bete. [1][6] * Bati: This mataqali forms the traditional warrior class. [6] * Dau (skill) and Matai: these are the crafts people and specialized skilled people of the tribe e. g. Dau ni vucu (Poet/choreographer/composer), Dau ni yau (treasurer), Mataisau (carpenter/or Canoe builder)[1] The mataqali are subdivided into Tokatoka, each comprising closely related families. Several mataqali comprise a village, several of which form a yavusa or district. The British colonial rulers amalgamated the districts into Yasana, or Provinces. The districts also form three Matanitu, or Confederacies. These are often said to be agglomerations of provinces, but as the latter were a colonial imposition, the boundaries do not coincide exactly, and the Provinces of Tailevu, Ra, Naitasiri, Lomaiviti and parts of Yasawa and Ba makes the Kubuna Confederacy. This Confederacy in modern Fiji is considered to be the most senior. The other two are Burebasaga (covering the rest of Viti Levu), and Tovata, covering Vanua Levu, Lau archipelago and Rotuma. Despite its isolation and relatively small size, Tovata has been politically dominant since Fiji gained its independence in 1970. Language The official language is English while the national indigenous language is Bauan which is only one of the many dialects that exist in the Fiji Group, each of the fourteen provinces more or less have their own dialect though there is a clear distinction between the dialects of the West, Central and Eastern parts of the country. Other languages spoken in the country are Fiji Hindi, Cantonese, Rotuman, Gilbertese (Rabi Island), and Tuvaluan (Kioa Island). The Fiji Islands are traditionally linked to their island neighbours Rotuma, Tonga and Samoa, and this is evident in the culture and dialects of the Northern and Eastern provinces being Cakaudrove, Bua, Macuata, and Lau. The many dialects spoken in these four provinces consistently use sounds that are heard in Tongan and Samoan, but not so with dialects from the Western and South Western parts of Fiji. The Fijian language uses a Latin alphabet. However, the Fijian alphabet is dissimilar from the English alphabet. Fiji English The existence of many dialects within the Fijian language as well as exposure to the other languages spoken have contributed to many Fiji Islanders being bilingual. For general communication in an informal environment, a very interesting cross use of the languages has developed, resulting in slang now commonly referred to as Fiji English. In formal settings, of course, correct usage is adhered to. Fiji English comprises aspects of Fijian, English and Hindi, which reflects the history and identity of the people of Fiji. Fiji English is non-rhotic. . Cultural arts and social polity In culture, its various crafts and music give it an identity along with it traditional etiquette and varying forms of clothing attire, its unique architecture also tells a story of a culture and its evolution, the following will discuss these aspects of culture in Fiji. Arts and crafts Fijis arts and crafts reflect local adaptations of their Polynesian and Melanesian heritage. By tradition, the mens and womens crafts are separate. Womens crafts The village of Na lotu on Kadavu Island is famous for its pottery, the making of which is still governed by strict rituals. Nadroga and Rewa also produce fine pottery. Each region has its own unique style in the making of pottery. Tapa from the Lau Islands in Fiji. The making of Tapa cloth, or (masi), is another craft associated with women. Tapa is made from the bark of the paper mulberry tree and decorated in charcoal with symbolic motifs and various patterns. In modern times, it has become fashionable for a masi to bear the name of the person who made it. Masi are often exchanged as gifts on formal occasions. The island of Vatuelele of the southern coast of Viti Levu is famous for its masi products. Most Fijian mats are made from the leaves of the pandanus tree. The long process of preparation includes scraping and boiling the leaves, and drying them in the sun. There are different mats used for different occasions, and some are made as gifts for formal occasions such as weddings. Most mats are bordered with highly decorative and brightly coloured wool. One well-known Fijian mat is the kuta, made by women in Vanua Levu, particularly Bua. Weaving using various materials was another craft generally mastered by the women but also aspects of weaving were mastered only by the men, various types of weaving practiced were and still are; basket weaving, coconut rope weaving, and coconut leaves weaving. Mens crafts Carving was practiced by the men; carving would be used for items of practical use and simple shapes and design were used. A lot of effort was put into well adorned weapons and items for the home and ceremony, today carving is practiced for its use in tourism and no longer plays a major role in Fijian society and life except in the case of the Tanoa used from drinking Kava. Drua, the most impressive Fijian canoe. Canoe Building was another art practiced only by the men, canoes were not only the major form of communication, but were important in all aspects of Fijian society, from the gathering of food and transporting of crops to use in presentation ceremonies and they were instrumental in wars and politics which were rife in Fiji. 9] The art of Canoe building was varied across the group and had several different types but of a similar design, the Camakau was a small twin hulled canoe for fishing or small transportation purposes, the most impressive of Canoes in Fiji were that of the Drua. In Fijis early history before European involvement, Control of the seaway was a major and decisive objective; disrup ting or cutting off the enemies supply and reinforcements gave great advantage in battle and would ensure victory. Sea battles involving hundreds of canoes were frequent. The canoe, which inspired fear and awe and so often held the balance was the mighty Drua. One of the most elaborate and beautiful artifacts of Oceania, the Drua was a product of considerable group efforts and human sacrifice. Double hulled and of gigantic proportions, the Drua was a masterpiece of design and craftsmanship, requiring total community involvement in its construction and human sacrifice in its launching. 10] Its speed out at sea would be in excess of twenty knots and still remained highly manoeuvrable, it was capable of carrying upward of 150 warriors and took some 6 to 7 years to build and would vary in length from 100 feet to 118 feet and have a mast height of 60 to 70 feet, in the mid-19th century the following accounts were recorded: Up went the huge sail, down went the great steering oars, splashing into the sea, and away we shot like a racehorse. Owing to the great rate at which we were going, the sea was like a hissing cauldron on either side of our course, and the vessel, instead of having time to mount over the smaller waves, cut its way through them. (West, 1869). It had a magnificent appearance with its immense sail of white mats; its velocity was almost inconceivable. (Wilkes, 1840). Ratu Seru Cakobau commanded an impressive fleet which had Several Drua with armed warriors ready for battle the led Canoe was named Rusi I Vanua or Cursed is the land. 11] Much of the art of Canoe building has been lost and only a small few still practice the art on a very small scale as its use in this modern era seems to have lost its place. The craft of Canoe building was traditionally reserved for the male. Performing arts Fijian Rugby Team Performing a Traditional War Dance before their Rugby encounter against Canada. The Meke An indigenous art form is the Meke, which may incorporate the seasea (womens fan dance) or a meke wesi (mens spear dance). It is usually a narrative of an important event such as a war, a chiefly installation, or even a scandal. Some mekes are generations old, and form an important part of Fijis oral history. In olden times, the meke was considered to be an oracle from the gods, and the Dau ni vucu, or composer, would often go into a trance before a performance. Others are modern, composed for a particular event, much as a poet laureate might write a poem to celebrate an event in a Western country. Each district of Fiji has its own form of meke, performed in the local dialect. Other forms of Polynesian and Melanesian dance art forms exist with most widely known being dances of Rotuma and Tonga. There are also various Indian dances and Chinese dances which are performed at relevant festivals marking important times for these communities which are now a part of Culture in Fiji. Music Music of Old Fiji consisted of various chants which often told a story or preserved information to be passed on from generation to generation, these songs used various traditional instruments. With the introduction of European and Asian cultures music in Fiji has evolved and songs sung in the Fijian vernacular are popular but so also are songs in Indian and English, some local artists mix all three languages and traditional instruments from each culture making for a very interesting musical experience. A distinct Indian sound has evolved in Fiji that some see as influencing modern Indian music and even jazz. Clothing and costume The traditional attire was loin cloths for men and grass skirts for women. Skirts were short for single women, and long for married women, with girls wearing virgin locks before marriage. Most ladies of rank had the lower parts of their bodies decorated with tattoos. Chiefs dressed more elaborately. Modern Fijis national dress is the sulu, which resembles a skirt. It is commonly worn by both men and women. One type worn by both men and women is the Sulu va Taga pronounced Sulu vah Tanga which is a wrap around piece of rectangular material which is elaborately decorated with patterns and designs of varying styles this is for more casual and informal occasions. Many men, especially in urban areas, also have Sulu va taga which is a tailored sulu and can be tailored as part of their suit. Many will wear a shirt with a western-style collar, tie, and jacket, with a matching Sulu va taga and sandals, this type of sulu can be worn to a semi formal or formal occasion. Even the military uniforms have incorporated the Sulu va taga as part of their ceremonial dress. Women usually wear a multi-layered Tapa cloth on formal occasions. A blouse made of cotton, silk, or satin, of often worn on top. On special occasions, women often wear a tapa sheath across the chest, rather than a blouse. On other occasions, women may be dressed in a chamba, also known as a sulu I ra, a sulu with a specially crafted top. There are many regional variations throughout Fiji. Residents of the village of Dama, in Bua Province and Cakaudrove i Vanua (Province), Fiji wear finely woven mats called kuta, made from a reed. While traditional and semi-traditional forms of dress are still very much in use amongst indigenous Fijian culture, there is a greater influence for Western and Indian Fashion in urban areas as in neighboring developed nations. Traditions and ceremonies Etiquette in indigenous Fijian ceremony is rather intricate depending on the function as various formalities and presentations which do several things; firstly it shows respect between two communal groups, strengthen tribal and family ties and reinforce social, tribal and family ties. Various items are used in ceremony and surrounded by ceremony, Kava, known in Fiji as yaqona, is Fijis national drink. Traditionally, it was used only in important ceremonies. Nowadays, it is a social beverage. There is a strict protocol associated with yaqona drinking. One should clap once, clasping the hands, take the cup, and drink the yaqona in a single draft before returning the cup to the bearer. Another highly prized item in ceremony is the tabua or Whales tooth, other items also the use of mats (masi) are also used traditionally in ceremony also various regions have tradition that has been passed down generation to generation for centuries one example are the firewalkers of beqa. The Sawau tribe of Beqa are noted for their ability to walk on white hot stones without being burned. 12] Strict rituals have to be observed before the firewalking ceremony. There is an ancient myth about how an ancestor of the Sawau tribe was given this power by a spirit god in exchange for his life, after the god was captured by the man who was fishing for eels. Cuisine The cuisine of Fiji in pre-colonial times consisted of root crops, vegetables, and fruits, as well as various land animals such as wild pig, human, and various birds. The coastal tribes would have had the same, but also had a large amount of local seafood. These would have been prepared with local herbs and spices on wood fire rock ovens. Most cooking areas were located in the center of house so the smoke would repel insects and strengthen the roof thatching. Another popular method of cooking, which is still used today, is the lovo which is an earth oven[13] — a fire made on in a pit in the ground lined with heat-resistant stones. It closely resembles the hangi of the New Zealand Maori. When the stones are hot, food wrapped in (banana) leaves, is placed in the pit, covered with soil and left to cook before being exhumed and eaten. Dishes cooked this way include palusami, parcels of taro leaves saturated with coconut milk, onions, and sometimes tinned meat. Modern Fijian Cuisine is rather diverse with great influence from Indian cuisine and spices. When these are applied to local traditional dishes, it makes for interesting eating. European, Indian, and Chinese variants of cuisine, along with traditional foods, are common place in most, if not all households in Fiji. Architecture A bure kalou, a sketch done in the early 1800s. In Old Fiji, the architecture of villages was simple and practical to meet the physical and social need and to provide communal safety the houses were square in shape and with pyramid like shaped roofs,[14] and the walls and roof were thatched and various plants of practical use were planted nearby, each village having a meeting house and a Spirit house. The spirit house was elevated on a pyramid like base built with large stones and earth, again a square building with an elongated pyramid like [14] roof with various scented flora planted nearby. The houses of Chiefs were of similar design and would be set higher than his subjects houses but instead of an elongated roof would have similar roof to those of his subjects homes but of course on a larger scale. With the introduction of communities from Asia aspects of their cultural architecture are now evident in urban and rural areas of Fijis two main Islands Viti Levu and Vanua Levu. A village structure shares similarities today but built with modern materials and spirit houses (Bure Kalou) have been replaced by churches of varying design. The urban landscape of early Colonial Fiji was reminiscent of most British colonies of the 19th and 20th century in tropical regions of the world, while some of this architecture remains, the urban landscape is evolving in leaps and bounds with various modern aspects of architecture and design becoming more and more evident in the business, industrial and domestic sector, the rural areas are evolving at a much slower rate. Literature The emergence of Fijis literature (as distinct from oral literature) coincides with the countrys transition to independence in 1970. Among the first published works of Fijian literature, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, were Raymond Pillais short stories (in English) and Pio Manoas poetry (in English and in Fijian). More recent notable Fiji writers include Satendra Nandan (poet and novelist), Sudesh Mishra (poet), Larry Thomas (playwright), and Joseph Veramo (novelist). Religion Religion is quite diverse with Christianity being the dominant faith in Fiji. Many Christian denominations are present in Fiji, the most prevalent of which is Methodist. Of the other Asian religions the Hindu faith is dominant, followed by Islam. There are other belief systems observed by Fijians as well. The impact of Christianity The impact of Christianity in the 19th century resulted in certain traditions being proscribed. In the pre-Christian era, human sacrifice was practiced. Men were buried alive to hold the pillars to the house of a chief. Cannibalism was practiced, too:[16] the bodies of enemies slain in battle, or in sacrifice, were piled up and cooked for festivals, such as the installation of chiefs or the launching of a great canoe. 16] Seru Epenisa Cakobau. The Bauan warlord who united the disparate tribes of Fiji and proclaimed himself King in 1871, renounced cannibalism on his conversion to Christianity in 1854. A bure kalou, a pre-Christian Fijian religious Building. Old religion Fijis old religion is no longer practiced by the majority in the indigenous community who have adopted Christianity. Old deities are still acknowledged and respected, but not worshipped. Fijian rituals still exists in private. Demographics Of the various faiths, Christianity is the dominant belief system and ncluding all the various denominations of the Christian faith they number in total 449,482. Hindus, with their various denominations, number in total 261,097. Muslims make up 54,324 of Fijis population. Followers of other belief systems make up 10,166 of Fijis population. Sports Sports culture is unique as different racial mixes and cultures come together in a common interest. Fiji is fanatical about sports and the two most dominant being rugby and soccer. Traditional sports Sports in older times had a practical place, apart from recreation, helping to train young warriors. One such practice would have the older men bring the male children a severely injured captive of war, allowing the boys to practice their archery skills against this living target. There were other sports that were practiced in older times which are not practiced now. Notable traditional sports used to be played were tiqa, ulutoa, veisaga, and veisolo. Modern sports The Fiji sevens team at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. Sports have developed greatly over the past two decades in Fiji with a wide variety of sports undertaken. Fiji is most well known for its prowess in the game of rugby union and in particular rugby sevens. Rugby union Rugby union is the most popular sport in Fiji. The highest level of competition is the Colonial Cup. The Fiji national rugby union team has competed in five Rugby World Cup competitions. The Fijian Rugby Sevens team is constantly one of the top two or three teams in the world, often the premier team. Rugby league Rugby league is a popular team sport played in Fiji. The Fiji national rugby league team is known as Fiji Bati, with the team competing in three Rugby League World Cup competitions. They made it to the semi-finals of the 2008 Rugby League World Cup. Football Football was a minor sport, but over the last decade with further international funding from FIFA and sound local management of the sport has grown in popularity amongst the Indian community initially but now also the Fijian community. Other sports Many sports exist in Fiji and in many ways has its own cultural following, sports such as golf which has been made famous by Fiji athlete Vijay Singh. Sports such as cricket and surfing which was brought to prominence by former world champion and Fiji athlete Tony Philips. Sailing in varying forms, various adventure sports, athletics, various Asian martial arts, boxing, and the list goes on.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Examining Human Alienation in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Essay

     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is hailed as one of the greatest novels dealing with the human spirit ever to be written.   Shelley wrote this nineteenth century sensation after her life experiences.   It has been called the first science fiction novel.   Shelley lived a sad, melodramatic, improbable, and tragically sentimental life.   She was the daughter of Mary Wollstonecraft, the brilliant pioneer feminist in the late eighteenth century.   However due to complications in childbirth and inept medical care, Shelley's mother passed away soon after her birth.   Later on, Shelley married the famous romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley.   Mary Shelley's masterpiece, Frankenstein, was inspired partly by Milton's Paradise Lost: "Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay To mould me Man, did I solicit thee From darkness to promote me?" The novel explores the theme of how society can ruin good through human alienation.   Shelley powerfully expresses that theme through the development of Victor Frankenstein's failed aspirations, the creature's plight, and the inevitable destruction of Frankenstein.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Frankenstein is a novel about a creature that was made by a scientist driven by ambition.   It first introduces Victor Frankenstein, the protagonist, and his interest in science.   However, he doesn't have an interest in modern science as his father wishes, he is appealed by the fascinations of alchemy and mystical sciences. "It was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn; and whether it was the outward substance of things or the inner spirit of nature and the mysterious soul of man that occupied me, still my inquiries were directed to the metaphysical, or in its highest sense, the physical secrets of the ... ...Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1992. 245-58. Merriman, C.D. The Literature Network. Jalic Inc, 2006. Web. 28 March 2010. Milton, John. Paradise Lost. Ed. Scott Elledge. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, 1975. Poovey, Mary. "My Hideous Progeny: Mary Shelley and the Feminization of Romanticism". PMLA (1980): 332-347. Web. 29 March 2010. Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein Or, The Modern Prometheus. New York: New American Library, 1963. Print. Smith, Johanna M. Introduction: Biographical and Historical Contexts. Frankenstein. By Mary Shelley. 2000. 2nd ed. Bedford/St. Martins, 2000. Web. Wolf, Leonard. The Annotated Frankenstein. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1977.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How significant was Che in the Cuban Revolution

How significant was Che in the Cuban Revolution . I am researching about a great figure Ernesto Guevara, the Argentine revolutionary doctor, who is known in the world as Comandante Che. Seen in the world as a T-shirt, hero, a symbol of liberty, a man that absorbed the borders in order to fighter for the poor and oppressed workers. He Earned all that fame because of his important contribution in the the Cuban Revolution, from 1953-1959 and in the revolutionary government until 1965 which I will cover. In this research I will use Che’s personal writings in which he reported everything in his life, newspaper information because as a symbol newspaper wanted to find everything that he did during the Cuban Revolution, and also I need information told by his comrades who saw him first-handed about what he did. Part B: Summary of Evidence MAIN IDEA 1: Importance in Guerrilla BattlesSupporting inside informations: Che lead a little guerilla unit that liberated a cardinal metropolis of Gabaiguan. [ 1 ]He assisted with the Cuban Revolution and was instrumental in developing people to defy the invasion of the United States in the Bay of Pigs invasion. [ 2 ]Without Che’s part particularly in Santa Clara and Bay of Pigs we the Cuban Revolution would hold lasted longer or it may non hold win. [ 3 ]We may non speak about a Cuban Revolution without Che’s part to it. [ 4 ]MAIN IDEA 2: Santa Clara battleWe with merely 340 work forces won the battle in Santa Clara against 3000 soldiers with every type of instrument of decease and putted an terminal at Batista’s government. [ 5 ]By May 1958, Guevara was virtually second-in-command of the big group of revolutionists that had gathered around Castro in the Sierra Maestra ( history 1990s ) [ 6 ]Che has to take the recognition for the triumph of Cuban Revolution as he was the 1 who fought in Santa Clara as Fidel was in the mountains. Che won the impossible battle and made Batista leave the state. After he won he called Fidel and said to him that the Road is unfastened for Havana2MAIN IDEA 3: With CompanerosHe had no scruple in confronting an enemy with immensely superior strength, and besides his unbelievable bravery, the guerillas could number on a leader with an extraordinary sense of tactics and scheme ( Interview of Che’s Companero ) [ 7 ]He exuded a sense of security and assurance that made the military personnels he led feel supported at all times, even in hard fortunes ( Remembering Che )1During the twenty-four hours he was the unmerciful disciplinarian, intolerant of failing and inspiringly confident. In the eventide he taught tactics and the usage of arms, read to his work forces organize Cervantes, Robert Louis Stevenson and the Venezuelan novelist ( and ex-president ) Romulo Gallegos, or recited Pablo Neruda’s Communi st Poetry from memory. As they proved themselves in conflict, his work forces proudly christened themselves â€Å"Che’s Suicide Squad† . [ 8 ]Che proceeded to Cuba’s foremost true, peasant based revolution. Che proceed to nationalise cuba’s industry and agribusiness8The step of Che ‘s competency is the fact that it was he who led the military action that eventually overturned Batista. Thrusting out of the sheltering Sierra Maestra, he led his men—perhaps 150—boldly through the canebrakes and swamps of Camaguey state, contending toward Cuba ‘s bosom. Batista ‘s forces blasted off with combatant planes, armored combat vehicles and machine guns, but could non halt Che ‘s work forces. When they swept into Santa Clara, in cardinal Las Villas state, Cuba was cut in two, and Batista boarded a plane for expatriate.8Che except than a Comandante was besides a physician and a instructor to his squad [ 9 ]When they heard gunshot from a little aeroplane that was bombing the town they retreated [ a group of Rebels ] . Che responded instantly, telling the military personnels to remain and contend. He grabbed a machine gun and started firing. More than anything, his action was symbolic he helped get the better of the terror.1MAIN IDEA 4: Che as Castro’s BrainGuevara provided Castro with broader skylines, a wider reading list, an penetration into other radical experiments and considerable first-hand cognition of Latin America. ( Cuba-Book )Castro rapidly made him from a physician to a Commander ( Comandante Che )He allowed Fidel to take recognition for Guevara ‘s achievements, he carefully contusing the monolithic Castro self-importance. ( Time )He convince Castro to Communism with competency, diplomatic negotiations and forbearance.When grenades were needed, Che set up a mill to do them. When staff of life was wanted, Che apparatus ovens to bake it. When new recruits needed to larn tactics and subj ect, Che taught them. When a school was needed to learn provincials to read and compose, Che organized it. ( Time [ Besides in Companeros ] )Che encouraged Castro ‘s leftism, planted the seeds of a deep-cutting and basic grab for power. [ 10 ]In November Fidel eventually turned Cuba ‘s economic system over to Che by calling him to run the National Bank, which in add-on to moving as Cuba ‘s cardinal bank and bank of issue controls foreign trade.8Che has increased Cuba ‘s foreign exchange militias from $ 50 million to $ 196 million8Guevara had ab initio come along as the force’s physician, but he had besides trained in arms use, and he became one of Castro’s most-trusted Plutos. Indeed, the complex Guevara, though trained as a therapist, besides, on juncture, acted as the executioner ( or ordered the executing ) of suspected treasonists and apostates.9Part B: Summary of Evidence ( Continued ) SUMMARY REFLECTION QUESTIONS:Do all of the facts straight relate to replying your research inquiry?Did you mention uncommon cognition? Is your commendation from legion beginnings?Is your information particular and free of analysis?Part C: Evaluation of Sources [ 1 ]To gain an Ad:Approx. 250-400 words ( 125-200 words each )Beginning–who, when, where beginning was createdAim– province why your beginning was createdValuess– explain why the beginning and intent aregood intelligencefor your probe ; explain why youtrustthis writer and his/her grounds for making the beginning ; reference the text and its beginningsRestrictions– explain why the beginning and intent arebad intelligencefor your probe ; explain why youmake nontrustthis writer and his/her grounds for making the beginning ; reference the text and its beginningsV & A ; L– These subdivisions may non stop up being balanced. One side of the statement may be greater than the otherDO NOTusage any ency clopaedia or WikipediaDO NOTusage children’s booksDO NOTuse general info web sites ( like )YOU SHOULD USE: academic articles, books from commissioned historians/authors, primary beginnings, newspaper articles, web sites that have an writer and mention their infoCitation of 1stBeginning:Che Guevara on revolution ( Che Talks to immature people ) The beginning of this beginning is a book written by Che Guevara and Mary-Alice Waters. The book contains primary beginnings such as addresss of Che’s, image and besides contains secondary beginnings such as Che’s life and historical context of the addresss. The book was published in 2000 in USA from the University of Wisconsin Madison. The writer is believable because he is Che who had lived the Cuban Revolution and had taken portion as a leader and wants to inform the people of Cuba for the difficult times they passed in order to subvert Batista. The beginning is valuable because the writer took portion in the facts that he is speaking about and besides it contains primary beginnings in which we can see and read the poignancy and the feelings. The beginning is restricting because the addresss have been given in a Spanish linguistic communication and the book is written in English and during the interlingual renditions a significance or a few feelings may hold been lost. The intent of this beginning is meant for the populace to read the addresss that Che gave about Cuban revolution and the battles they won O in order to subvert the absolutism. Besides the book contains history context about the battles and Che’s part to them The intent is helpful because Che was seeking to inform immature people about the troubles of subverting the dictator. The intent is restricting because there may be some prevarications as Che was seeking to act upon them to communism and communist leaders used to lie. But it is valuable because it is checked by a university. This beginning helped me understand more about my research inquiry and besides helped me to acquire thoughts of how to reply it. Citation of 2neodymiumBeginning:Cuba: Castro ‘s Brain – Time This beginning is a secondary beginning magazine written by and it was published by Time magazine in August 8, 1960 in the USA. This is a believable beginning because it is originated from Time magazine 1 # most read magazine in the universe which is seeking to inform people of all the states what is go oning around them. The beginning of this beginning is valuable because it is written by a universe magazine which tries to inform people and does non desire to state a batch of prevarications because it will lose readers. The beginning is restricting my research because it is coming from 1960 a twelvemonth which Cold War was traveling on and the US that this beginning is originated and Cuba were in a war and some information may be inaccurate because of the deficiency of beginnings because Americans could non acquire into Cuba. The intent of this beginning is to inform people about Fidel Castro’s encephalon who was Che and how of import he was in Cuban Revolution to be named as Castro ‘s encephalon. The intent is helpful because it tried to demo how of import was Che in the Cuban revolution. The intent is restricting my research because it may incorporate propaganda in order to demo that communist leaders are bad as US was in a war with them. This beginning helped me see different position of the state of affairs go oning to Cuba and how non Cuba’s viewed the state of affairs. Part C: Evaluation OF SOURCES REFLECTION QUESTIONSDid you take your two strongest beginnings?Did you to the full explicate how the beginning was used in your research and its value in replying your research inquiry?Part D: AnalysisTo gain an Ad:Approximately 500-650 wordsMerely utilize the facts you found in Part BHistorical Context– Explain other of import events were traveling on in your country/around the universe at the clip of your subject that may hold had an impact on or been impacted by your subjectSignificance– You must incorporate an analysis of the author’s statements into this subdivision ; explicate how the values and restrictions of the writers in Part C helped or ache your investigation/conclusionsDifferent Interpretation– explicate how person else might reply your research inquiry and whyExamination– answer the inquiry utilizing your factsAll facts used must be cited to the beginning and writer they are fromHISTORICAL CONTEXT: What o f import events were traveling on in your country/around the universe at the clip of your subject that may hold had an impact on or been impacted by your subject? In 1956 the twelvemonth in which Che became a member of the Cuban revolution, In Cuba dictator Batista had created a state Eden for rich Americans while the Cuban citizens lacked of money and nutrient. That made the Cubans unhappy and wanted by every mean to subvert him. Around the universe Cold war was traveling on. USSR was seeking to distribute communism doing revolutions in different states while US wanted by every mean to halt it. That state of affairs created proxy wars in about every state. Explain the significance of the beginnings from Part C to replying your research inquiry:Write critical remarks on the grounds from those beginnings and how they answer your research inquiry. Make certain you cite your information. Critically discuss the author’s statements from those beginnings and how they influenced your conclusion/answer to the research inquiry. In the book â€Å"Che negotiations to immature people† there are some addresss that Che gave to immature people which some of them involved Che’s memories about the manner to subvert dictator Batista. Che in those addresss negotiations about his experiences and the determinations that they had to do. Che gives his side of the narrative and believes that everything that he did was right. In the other manus the information from a US magazine which are from a state that did non desire Communism and assist Che’s enemies with gun and money, they give information about Che’s importance and accomplishments but besides they criticize some of his Acts of the Apostless which they think they are incorrect doing him non look so good in the reader ‘s eyes. This two beginning give you different positions of what happened and leting you to look both sides of the narrative. Critical scrutiny of one reply to your research inquiry, establishing it off of the grounds you provided in Part B.This is where you Show how all the small inside informations in portion B come together to make a bigger image.Show: cause-effect relationships, underlying premises, and interrelatednesss between the facts. Che’s significance in the Cuban revolution is in really high extend as first of all he was a physician, a combatant and a commanding officer [ 11 ] . He was the adult male that would make everything in field and out of field, out of field When grenades were needed, Che set up a mill to do them. When staff of life was wanted, Che apparatus ovens to bake it. When new recruits needed to larn tactics and subject, Che taught them. When a school was needed to learn provincials to read and compose, Che organized it [ 12 ] . Che educated his adult male learning them how to read and compose and giving them books. He exuded a sense of security and assurance that made the military personnels he led feel supported at all times, even in hard fortunes even when aeroplanes were bombing them. In the field he was the cat that took every mission despite how unsafe it was. Che won the Santa Clara battle with merely 340 work forces when the enemies where 3000 while Fidel who was the leader of revolution was non even at that place. He was the adult male that got Batista out-of Cuba and proceeded to Cuba ‘s first and true provincial based revolution. He did care about taking the credits of his win and part because he didn’t do it for himself but he did for the people, and allow Fidel take the recognition for him. He was the adult male that convinced Fidel to be a Communist. When the radical authorities was established Che became the president of the National bank. He increased Cuba’s exchange from 50 million $ to 196 million. Che was the most of import in the Cuban revolution as he helped in every field and without him the Cuban revolution would hold lasted much longer or it may non hold succeeded. Critical scrutiny of a different reading, a different reply to your research inquiry. Discuss critically how person may be able to look at your grounds and see different connexions, make different premises. Again, discuss cause-effect relationships, underlying premises, and interrelatednesss between the facts. Che was a great commanding officer and really important in the Cuban Revolution and no 1 can reason his importance. But despite that his significance made Cuba a communist state by act uponing his companions and Fidel. That significance which was great subsequently was non so good as the people lost their right in vote and right in democracy by the constitution of the â€Å"Dictatorship of the Proletariat† . Che’s significance in emancipating and liberating people became significance of doing them lose their rights. Analysis Reflection Questions:Did you rewrite your Part B with more item? ( If so, ERASE IT ) i?SDid you critically analyze your subject, grounds and historical context to turn out your reply?Did you critically show the significance of different sentiments on your subject?Did you mention your beginnings?Part Tocopherol: DecisionTo gain an Ad:Approximately 150-200 wordsWrite the reply or decision to the original research inquiryMay, include your concluding judgement on the two beginnings you evaluated – this means to depict whether the beginnings you used are good plenty to go on utilizing them for farther research if necessaryDOES NOTstarts with â€Å"In conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Answer to your research inquiry( This may non stop up being the reply you wanted ) : Che was truly really important in the Cuban revolutions as he was the 1 who lead in and out the field. In the field he was the 2nd in bid who won the most of import battle holding a disadvantage of more than 2000 work forces. He was the 1 who was besides foremost in line and and gave bravery to his work forces. The 1 who guided Fidel and he whose ideas Cuban economic system achieved the top. How your grounds proves your reply: The grounds prove his significance because most of them are facts that happened and his companions write about how much helped them. Besides in Che’s Hagiographas he wrote what happened without seeking any peculiar esteem. Besides the newspaper articles who wrote about Cuban Revolution saw his importance besides and articles and books were written in his name. Part F: List of BeginningsTo gain an Ad:Word count for entire paper: 1500-2000 wordsDoes non number headers, rubrics, or footersUsed at least 6-10 beginningsStrong and believable: with a known writer, from a believable organisation, an academic diary, a historian, etc.Bibliography – List all beginnings you used in alphabetical orderFull commendation information for your beginning in Chicago/Turabian StyleLeave a infinite between each beginningDo non utilize slug points1stline of beginning flower left, any line after that indentedStandard data formatsystem used throughoutChicago/TurabianNo mentions to Wikipedia, Encarta, Wordbook, Grolier’s, or other encyclopaediaNo mentions to GoogleDosal, Paul J. Comandante Che: Guerrilla Soldier, Commander, and Strategist, 1956-1967. University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003. â€Å" CUBA: Castro ‘s Brain – Time. † August 8, 1960. Mottas, Nicolas PhD. â€Å" I? I I ¬  © Guevaristas. † I? I I ¬  © Guevaristas. October 3, 2011. Accessed May 10, 2015. Translated in English from Greek by Dimitri Zografi Guevara, Che. Che Talks to Young People. New York: Scout, 2000.â€Å"I? I ­ ( From Ernesto to Che ) † , produced in 2002 for the Grecian province telecasting show, Athens Greece. Translated in English from Greek by Dimitri Zografi.â€Å"Interview with Castro† interviewed by in 1998. Torre, Aleida, and Pilar Aguilera. Remembering Che: My Life with Che Guevara. Havana, 2012.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Changing Your Social Class Essay

Social stratification is a ladder of positions with respect to economic construction which influences the social rewards to those in the positions (â€Å"Questions on Social Stratification†). With that, a person may belong to a specific class while being part of the whole society. Social class means the existence of sharing among the people of similar status with respect to wealth, power and prestige. For a layman’s understanding, social class refers to being rich or poor as regarded by the society. A concrete example of this is a situation wherein a person’s social class has changed overnight, where he suddenly becomes homeless. That situation happens to me, and I could say that at that particular moment, my life has changed drastically and dramatically. The privileges that I experienced when I am still rich were lost when I become suddenly homeless. In addition, my opportunities in life also changed when I become poor. While I am still in a higher social class, I do not need to work hard just to earn a living. At that time, I can hire people to work for me and help me to improve my life’s station. But when I become homeless, everything was altered such that I cannot even afford to pay all my basic commodities like food, shelter and clothing. For me, there is always shortage of food when I am already in the lower social class. My family is suffering so much since we need to share a little amount of food everyday. All we can do is to think of those times that we enjoy eating all the food that we want. Since I become homeless, seeking for a good shelter is a problem. I realized that living in the streets is possible. I learned to look for places where squatters stayed. Aside from that, my clothing materials are not enough to keep me warm all day. I need to ask help from those who have enough clothes and request for old but clean and usable clothing materials. With all these hardships that I encountered, people view me as living in extreme poverty. Moreover, the opportunity to work is limited since those people who knew me before no longer consider me as a friend. Yet, I tried hard to find a job just to earn a living. Although people view me recently as poor, I need to work hard and show to them that I am worthy for a decent living. I will work hard for me to rent a house for my family. While it is true that housing costs pose the biggest obstacle for low-wage workers, I also believe that there are realistic solutions to the lack of affordable housing. The government is the only hope for the poor people to help them have their own homes. What the government should do is to facilitate a housing project that offers an affordable housing loan to low-wage workers. The government may also provide homes for the homeless in such a way that presence of perennial squatters will be lessened.   In that way, those who are living in poverty will have the chance to work hard and pay for a simple yet decent home. As a worker, having a work system that does not offer benefits like overtime pay, retirement funds, and health insurance is not fair. The workers should be given good working conditions as they are considered the strength and backbone of the economy. Besides, the request for an increase of salary for workers is not the solution for lack of benefits. Both provision of benefits and increase of salary for workers is necessary things that a worker must have in the society. It is but fair for workers to receive compensation that could improve his station in life and escape from extreme poverty. Therefore, an increase of salary for workers could not redress the lack of benefits for them such that it is completely a separate problem. References Sociology Guide. (2006). Questions on Social Stratification. Retrieved November 11, 2008, from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The eNotes Blog Arthur Conan Doyle Cant Be Bothered with YourQuestions

Arthur Conan Doyle Cant Be Bothered with YourQuestions Ever heard of the Proust Questionnaire? Its a list of questions about ones personality, named not because Marcel Proust, the French writer, wrote the questionnaire, but because he took it. (You can see a full list of the questions and Prousts response at this Wikipedia page.) The idea is that the person sitting down to answer the questions does so in the spirit of playfulness and generosity of personality. Think the ending of Inside the Actors Studio, or two schoolkids huddled over a magazine questionnaire. Not so with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the late author of the Sherlock Holmes series and, apparently, very taciturn old grump. In his day, the questionnaire was a bit of fun, a parlor game. Seemingly, though, not one Doyle was keen to be roped into. At every turn, Doyle seems to be scoffing at the pretense of it all. Asked what he likes most in a man, its Manliness. And his favorite qualities in a woman? Womanliness. (Funnily enough, those are the exact opposite responses Proust provided in his own questionnaire.) He is Quite impartial to your query on his favorite color, thank you very much. But best of all is the totally tongue in cheek response to the question, If not yourself, who would you be? Doyle scribbles something, we dont know what, completely illegibly, only to top it off with the taunting side note, (Hope this is clear). All in all its an amusingly annoying response, and an insight into Arthur Conan Doyle, the man. Probably the only kind of answer to be expected of the man who joined an Arctic whaling expedition at the age of twenty, the journal of which can be seen here. A Kipling-loving, manliness-embodying Hemingway figure before Hemingway ever existed. What do you think of Doyles answers? Know of any other authors responses to the Proust Questionnaire? Tell us in a comment!

Monday, October 21, 2019

How To Drive Traffic To Your Blog In Little To No Time

How To Drive Traffic To Your Blog In Little To No Time Okay, if you’re game, I’m going to do a little mind read on you.  Ready? As a writer, you focus on these  traffic-building topics: Creating epic  content Writing better headlines Guest Blogging Sharing on social media Basic SEO (when you get time) How close was I?  If you’re anything like when I first started writing for Internet audiences, I’d imagine I’m right on. That’s because these are the traffic methods that come easily to you. You understand them. They’re always in the forefront of your mind. You always remember to do them. But, the truth is, by relying only  on these strategies, you’re letting your content down. You’re missing out on so many easy to use methods that will drive  traffic to your page in no time at all. And, here’s the real kicker: You already know most of them. You just forget to use them. Don’t worry though; that’s going to change with this article.  You’re going to learn how to drive traffic to your blog in little to no time. In return, youll get that sweet, sweet traffic your content deserves. How To Drive #Traffic To Your Blog With A Few Easy Optimizations #1: Use An Image Every 75–100 Words Using images in your blog posts will drive  traffic to your content. That’s no secret. It’s important to understand how many  images you need to use. Slapping on a featured image and the occasional screenshot  isn’t the best strategy. Luckily, Canva  and BuzzSumo  came together to do some deep research into how many images you really need. And, they found some interesting data: From looking at more than  1,000,000 articles, they found that using an image every 75–100 words increased the social shares of an article by at least  30%. Using an image every 75–100 words increases the social shares of an article by at least 30%.So, simply put, for every 1,000 words you write, you should aim for 10 images. But there is one caveat here you need to be aware of: These images need to be relevant. You can’t just stuff your post with images to fill the quota. Instead, these images need to be relevant to what you’re writing about. If you’re unsure, stick to: Relevant photographs (here are the best blog photography tips + 128 free images for your blog) Graphs Charts Screenshots of relevant steps/actions And, for bonus points, add captions to your images. They’re read  300% more  than your body copy,  which  makes them an excellent way to boost your on-page time. As you know, more social shares = more traffic. Recommended Reading: How To Design The Best Blog Graphics With Free Tools And Design Theory How To Make The Best Blog Graphics (For Non-Designers) #2:  Build Trust By Linking Out To Reputable Sites Okay, I’m not going to send you on a whole SEO link building campaign. Because that’s another topic for another day. So don’t worry about getting people to link back to your site right now. But right now, you can  link  to other reputable sites to drive traffic to your blog.  It's  as easy as  backing up your points with data or referencing scientific studies, including articles at the end of your article, or even simply linking back to an authority site when you quote them. This has two brilliant traffic-driving implications: Google will trust you more You can build relationships and trust with people in your niche Let’s look at each of them in a little more detail†¦ Capturing Google's Trust Google wants to rank sites based on facts. And, with good reason. Nobody likes searching and finding themselves on a spammy site that provides zero  value to them. In order to do this, Google uses  a metric called trust flow.  Without getting into too much detail, trust flow measures how accurate your  facts are and where you get your data from. If you’re linking to sites that are already authorities and are on Google’s good side like news sites, they’re more likely to trust the content you produce. While this isn’t a direct  way to drive  more instant traffic, it could improve your search rankings  in the long term. That  makes it invaluable. Outbound links build trust and relationships to help you drive #traffic to your blog.Building Relationships In the words of  Jeff Goins, â€Å"It’s not who you know, it’s who you’ve helped.† And by linking out to these authority sites, you’re helping them. You’ve given them something valuable that plays a big role in their success. If you reach out to them and let them know that you’ve linked to them, there’s a really good chance they’ll share your content with their audience. And that means  you get more exposure and traffic. But, that’s not the only benefits for you. Consumers see bloggers as one of the biggest influencers in how they choose a product. In fact, according to Technorati research, 31% of people say they’ll use a blog to choose a product. If you can get these bloggers to tweet, share, and interact with you (or feature them on your site) they’re more likely to buy into your brand,  which will drive traffic back to your content. #3: Do Influencer Interviews Interviews seem to have become the realm of Podcasters and YouTube stars. But, why? Getting influencers (people who have made a name for themselves in your niche) to appear on your blog is a direct brand endorsement. That's  powerful because 92% of people say they trust this earned media  more than any other form of advertising. So when they see a person they know sharing or tweeting about your blog, they take notice. Even if it’s just to promote their own interview. Take a look at this interview with Seth Godin from Contently. It’s been shared by over 11,000  people: That's  between 5,000–9,000 more  shares than their other top shared articles for the year: Now, your interview may not blow up this much. But if you choose the right  influencer and create a good interview, the exposure you get can be incredible. Recommended Reading from Neil Patel: The 6 Types Of Social Media Content That Will Give You The Greatest Value Boost Blog Traffic wrote an excellent article on how to get influencers to interview with you right here. Pro Tip: If you decide interviewing an influencer is something to check out, simply record the conversation as a podcast and embed it in the blog post you'll write. Pat Flynn just released an embeddable tool to help you put those podcasts right in your blog posts. Now there's no reason not to get started. #4: Focus On Long Tail Keywords You’re probably using a tool like Yoast SEO, right? So you can put keywords into your posts and get to a good  level of SEO for the piece of content. Now, there is nothing  wrong with optimizing it this way. After all, keywords are what people search for. But, you probably do a little Keyword Planner  research and come up with a two- or three-letter keyword like: Traffic methods Drive  traffic Good blogging Because they get a good amount of searches and they seem to fit the bill. But, if you’re not an SEO wizard by trade, you’re going to struggle to rank anywhere near the top results for keywords like this. Unless you’re already an established authority. That’s where long tail keywords come in. By switching to long tail keywords, Neil Patel managed to go from 89,000 visitors  per month to 174,000 people  per month  in a 14-month period. That’s a 91% increase in traffic from search engines. If you’re not sure what a long-tail keyword is, here’s a quick definition: Now, you can swap out the word ‘buy’ there for ‘learn’ and it’s exactly the same for your content. The longer it gets, the more specific it is. The more specific it is, the better you can optimize your blog for it because there will naturally be less competition. This is really specific to your niche and your site, so there’s no one-size-fits-all way to find these keywords. However, you can use tools like SERPed  or AdWords  to analyze your short keywords and build them into long-tail keywords. Recommended Reading:  How To Make An SEO Content Strategy That Will Improve Your #1–3 Results By 248% #5: Get Involved In QA Sites The reason your content (or blog or platform) exists is for one reason: To help people answer their questions. Each piece of content you create answers a question in your niche. No matter how big or small, that’s the purpose behind it. And you’ve probably got a lot of answers to a lot of questions by now, haven’t you? Instead of hoping  people stumble across your answers, it’s time to go straight to the source and put your well-researched and expertly written content in front of the people who are asking all the questions. Enter Quora. If you don’t know what Quora is, it’s a question and answer site. And, to you, it’s now a powerful traffic-driving tool. The smart marketers over at WishPond have used it to build up to  27,000 views a month  from their Quora answers. And it’s pretty simple to do. Let’s say you run a copywriting or content marketing blog. You’d search the broad topic that you blog about, and ‘follow’ it: Then read through a few pages of questions to find ones that: Have lots of engagement You have the content to answer You can provide a valuable  answer to That are either new  or get around 1,000 views a month Like this one right here (the comment from Sarah is the top answer right now)... Click on it, and take a look at what they’ve actually asked: Then answer the question in your way, giving plenty of value throughout. Think of it like a mini blog post where you can link back to yourself throughout, without them needing  to click the link to get the value. Like this one that starts with a link: Has a meaty, value-filled middle. And then finishes with a link back to their site: This particular answer has 26,000 views. That  means even if only 1% of people click that link, there’s still 2,600  people  who have clicked through to their site! If you answer questions regularly and with enough detail, the traffic you can drive really has no limits. How To Drive Traffic To Your Blog? Pick One, Run With It†¦ There you have it. Five easy-to-remember and implement traffic-driving strategies that you can use right now. Here they are again, in short: Use an image every 75–100 words: Add a relevant image every 100 words to break up your article, boost on-page times, and boost social share  that will drive traffic to your blog. Link out to reputable sites in your niche: This builds  trust, establishes relationships, and drives traffic. Do influencer interviews:  Tap into an established traffic stream, get brand endorsements, and create a strong image. Focus on long tail keywords:  Focus on  less competition, target specific users' search intent, get more search traffic. Get involved with QA sessions:  Use  sites like Quora to get the content you already have in front of people who need to answers you’ve given. Now, I have a challenge for you. Pick one  of these strategies and commit to doing it every month. Comment on this post with your choice. Then track the results. It could be the influx of traffic you’ve been waiting for.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Revamp Your Resume The Top 5 Words to Delete

Revamp Your Resume The Top 5 Words to Delete Okay, okay, its not that you can never use these words, but according to the recruiter experts at Experteer Magazine, HR departments are tired of seeing these same buzzwords repeated on every resume, cover letter, and job application that crosses their desks!MotivatedIf you think about it, saying youre motivated is actually praising your effort over your achievements. An employer expects you to be motivated, first of all, and secondly, you could be incredibly motivated and still produce subpar work. Just think of the never-ending lines to audition for TV talent shows! Being motivated to camp outside a studio for three days doesnt mean youre a great dancer or a talented chef! In your resume, put the focus on your measurable accomplishments instead- try phrases like developed training program or increased client retention or provided dynamic design and content.  CreativeThis is another overused buzzword that has essentially lost most of its meaning. Rather than using an abstract adje ctive, look for active and descriptive verbs to showcase exactly what you did in your past work. Consider delivered new group strategies or produced increased collaboration or modeled innovative problem-solvingEnthusiasticIm guilty of this one all the time- I forget that enthusiastic, like motivated, is a bare-minimum qualification for a new hire, and one that I probably share with the other 500 CVs in the submissions folder. Worst-case scenario, it makes you sound immature and inexperienced, but trying to cover it up by being your own cheerleader. Trade enthusiastic for proactive, experienced, capable, or skilled.Thinks Outside the BoxTime to realize that not all employers actually want someone who thinks outside the box because its often code for cannot work well with others or refuses to learn company procedures because they think they know better. Rather than announcing youre an unconventional thinker, once again refocus on the actual products of all your creative work habits. E xactly what have you developed, created, implemented, or produced?ResponsibleI havent used responsible in a resume since I was applying to babysit my neighbors kids. I was 14 and an overachiever. And I got the job. But now that Im a grownup, I try to focus on leadership attributes and experience. If you must use responsible, tie it directly to job functions, i.e. Responsible for ensuring on-time payment for invoices and vendor expenses, and not as an adjective to describe yourself.  So now that youve erased these snoozy buzzwords from your resume, what will you sue to fill those holes? Experteer suggests these targeted search terms that will make you stand out from your competition instead of blending in with the enthusiastic, motivated, creative crowd!AchievedImprovedTrained/MentoredManagedCreatedInfluencedIncreased/DecreasedNegotiatedLaunchedUnder budget

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How would the likely discovery of aliens strike controversy among Research Paper

How would the likely discovery of aliens strike controversy among religions - Research Paper Example their existence, the fact that an alien visit may occur or human-alien encounter may be a possibility has led to panic from different quarters including religion. Movies and fictions films have continued to portray different picture of the events that may precede the invasion and how human and the aliens may relate during the process. Movies like the Independence Day and the visitors point at a negative image towards the encounter as the two forms of life may be keen to outdo each other on warfare and intelligence (Smith-Christopher 15). Apart from the war and intelligence impacts of alien strike, the impacts of such a possibility on religion has remained raw on theologizes and faithful alkies. According to the biblical teaching, man created human beings in his own likeness and no other forms of life are mention. This possibility could affect the faith of people in their religion and impact significantly to a shift especially in if the intelligence of the aliens is beyond that of human beings. In this paper, the impacts of an alien strike on religion across the globe will be examined. The paper will evaluate available theoretical discourse on the topic and how films and movies have depicted the reactions of Christians to alien invasion (Smith-Christopher 15). Within different religious groupings, the belief that a spiritual being out there is tasked with the role of ensuring our wellbeing has dominated since the history of man. The actions of religious leaders are believed to be under the command of the Supreme Being and this enable them to tell us the nature of the spirits and their impacts on life. The catholic church for, for example, has always expressed its zeal to impose monotheism in the world which is based on the trinity (Dunning 21). To achieve this, the church adopted a ruthless approach that suppressed the polytheists in Europe and the smaller kingdoms in the region. Among the Judeo-Christian, the possibility of the presence of a small but powerful

Friday, October 18, 2019

Short Answers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Short Answers - Assignment Example Between kazuo’s camera andKurosawa’s intuitive directions, there is hardly any words needed to be used. The inconsistency is evident from this point where the camera accounts for the gesture, passes a forest’s breeze rush. The truth showed twenty four frames for each second, a bit different every time. Outstanding in the stellar cast is Toshiro’s bug-bitten outlaw, his antics surprise and even confuse into depths. Inconsistency is a cyclic technique employed in films to inspire the audience and make it interesting. A film may have a flow but at some point it makes a new turn and then it takes the pattern. The pattern is crucial in movies for capturing the audience and breaking boredom. Inconsistency captures senses of the audience as they are left with a range of conclusion on how the film is flowing and its conclusion. It is also vital in capture of emotions of the audience in different ways. Lastly, inconsistency is meant to disapprove the expectation of the audience there by making them attentive. Question two From time immemorial, film buffs, film critics and filmmakers will refer to a film period by the name the French new wave. To other people the term is to be thrown out to sound impressive. For some other people it carries significance and inspiration that represents a defining moment in cinematic innovation and individuality. It is very vital to note that while cahiers critics talked about their views, there was variation and diversity within the groups. This ranged from cinematic aesthetic to age. It was by diversifying their thoughts that they were able to challenge their views and engage in debates. The French new wave from their debates and diversification made films that shared variety aspects of filming in Europe making it unique. The French new wave created films in various genres deviating from the usual narrative conventions. The use of held cameras, natural lighting, real locations and improvised scripts formulated a feeling of realism. These techniques were different from the ones other movements employed. One of the directors’ aims was to have the audience know that they are watching a film. This was done through the medium employed. The directors had a character talk to the audience face to face hence having a break on the fourth wall. At that time it was a unique, surprising and new technique which today is employed in present cinemas. This movement also employed a film that maximized memory as a subject, showing a changing mentality that is modern in the history of film making. The technique the movement used was unusual as it influence other movements as they adopted it. Question three Third Cinema is known to be credited to two filmmakers, Octavio Getino and Fernando Solanas. Following a film completion in 1968, the two drafted a manifesto. The manifesto had a laid down structure on the classification of cinemas: the first cinema, second cinema and the third cinema. First cinema is a Hollywood production model. It also applies to other cinema production of in other countries that is done in large scale like Bollywood. A very vital factor for the two, the production mode represents an ideology that there exists a specific relationship between the spectator and film where cinema is taken as a spectacle (Chanan, pp.375). The cinema relays the messages of an overwhelming ideology through its content, its production

Problems in Economic Development 's assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Problems in Economic Development 's - Assignment Example b) The underlying tension in the developing world is the lack of antiretroviral drugs that can be used by HIV patients to reduce the multiplication of the virus in the body of those who are affected. This is different from the developed world in that the developed countries have enough of these drugs and can keep the level of HIV/AIDs as low as possible. 3. Health may create a poverty trap between generations because when one gets better health care, his or her level of productivity increases; hence, high level of income. On the other hand, the person from the other generation that gets little or no health care is less productive, and, therefore, earns very little. This change has one generation moving from low health care to high health care; hence, creation of the poverty trap between generations. 4. a) Conditional cash transfer refers to a condition whereby parents were being given cash transfer with a condition of sending their children to school and failure to do so, they would be forced to do it. b) The amount transferred varied based on the level of education and gender. Those who were in secondary schools were to be paid high amounts and those who took girls to school were also subject to high payments. This was to encourage further learning by the children in schools and also encourage girl child education and make girls go to school. c) No. Conditional cash transfers were found not to be more effective than unconditional cash transfers. This was because Malawi tried to use it, but it did not do better, and this suggested that parents should not be forced to send their children to school, but need to be helped

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Term Paper Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Proposal - Term Paper Example This would act to speed up the lengthy intake process. These kiosks would be set up to gather at the very least the patient's name, insurance coverage, and any allergies or chronic conditions. This could help reduce the amount of time a nurse must spend with the patient just to collect background information, and therefore moves the patient to the doctor sooner for treatment or discharge. These kiosks could also be linked to the patient's electronic medical record. Ideally, these kiosks would be able to take a history of symptoms through the use of condition or symptom specific questionnaires. In this way, these kiosks would be able to assist with the triage process by alerting a charge nurse of any particularly worrying symptoms more quickly than they might otherwise have been noticed. The use of these kiosks to perform triage for milder symptoms would also free up the nursing staff to deal with patients who come in with more serious injuries and illnesses, or for whatever reason ar e unable to make use of the kiosks. This division of labor between man and machine could even make it possible for the ER to have fewer nurses on staff without detrimental effects on the quality of care. Another possible use for these kiosks would be to keep track of patients after they have been moved to treatment.

System thinking- Soft system model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

System thinking- Soft system model - Essay Example The losses of misunderstanding between urgent & important very from situation to situation, if one has misjudged between two at leadership level in an organization the cost bear might be in total loss of customer and finally organization might be out of business in long term. The benefits accumulated at short term cannot be compared at benefits in the long term, its just like to differentiate between the two is URGENT & IMPORTANT. Sometime we follow urgency at managerial level in an organization ,the tasks like telephone ,mails, urgent inquiries, unexpected customer problems, some employees emerging issues compel even a wise manager towards urgency. Whereas the most important and long term tasks are neglected at the expense of urgent tasks. Keeping in view the all emerging situation and keeping an eye on future the wise leaders of five hundred top multinational companies not only spent an isolated time for planning, long term setting of goals, different roles, models, forecast time e stimation and calculating risk factors (Gomez, 2008, pp.20). Even top leading companies in business plan a certain period for their managers at recreational place where they come closer to leading work force and help them to understand the long-term and important goals and roles to achieve these goals. It has been observed that cost of this trip at organization and the result achieved due to this recreational trip was one of important factor for understanding the difference between urgent & important tasks, Major one- important, minor one - urgent In all the areas of business universe one has to clear cut make a difference between urgent and important, so he/she should set in his mind in such a wise way giving IMPORTANT as major one and URGENT as minor one. This coding in back of his mind will act as driving force in certain crucial situation, which normally appears as tough or hard situation for others .It has observed that world leading lot in the world of business or in the world of politics apply same coding in their mind that's why tough is not tough for this minor lot of leaders. Gardening is one of important example to understand between URGENT& IMPORTANT, ONE WHO SOW SEED,WATER THEM, REMOVE HERBS,USE PESTICIDE HAS GOOD PRODUCE WHEREAS ONE WHO NEGLECT THESE FACTOR HAS BAD PRODUCE. Similarly one who has been brought up in a principled way or harbored these traits in himself is one who will be in a capacity to make clear cut distinction between urgent and important tasks in life. One cannot focus these tasks at business l evel, we have to distinguish at all level what is urgent and what is important in decision making. Choice of metaphors and relevance of important and urgent : Both the situation are important but some are of urgent need, depending upon end result requirement of the organization. The managers and even supervisors have to deal all these important as well as urgent situations at daily basis level, keeping in view the long

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Term Paper Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Proposal - Term Paper Example This would act to speed up the lengthy intake process. These kiosks would be set up to gather at the very least the patient's name, insurance coverage, and any allergies or chronic conditions. This could help reduce the amount of time a nurse must spend with the patient just to collect background information, and therefore moves the patient to the doctor sooner for treatment or discharge. These kiosks could also be linked to the patient's electronic medical record. Ideally, these kiosks would be able to take a history of symptoms through the use of condition or symptom specific questionnaires. In this way, these kiosks would be able to assist with the triage process by alerting a charge nurse of any particularly worrying symptoms more quickly than they might otherwise have been noticed. The use of these kiosks to perform triage for milder symptoms would also free up the nursing staff to deal with patients who come in with more serious injuries and illnesses, or for whatever reason ar e unable to make use of the kiosks. This division of labor between man and machine could even make it possible for the ER to have fewer nurses on staff without detrimental effects on the quality of care. Another possible use for these kiosks would be to keep track of patients after they have been moved to treatment.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Cyber crime and identify theft #7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cyber crime and identify theft #7 - Essay Example Often times, it has been seen that individuals invade the user content on the web, hack websites and crack codes just for satisfying their own whims. At other times, the competitors or rival groups are behind such heinous attacks (Rider, 2001). What is most important is how well these cyber crimes are being engaged in the first place. If these bring out the results for the intended hackers and criminals as they ought to be called, then the element of crime is indeed a magnanimous one. The theory that describes it best is related with the criminal psychology where such behaviors are studied in detail to find out where the morally wrong issue has come in from and what could be done to thwart the basis of failure which exists within the realms of the cyber age and technology (Broadhurst, 2006). Such theories in essence dictate the basis of finding out where the society is going wrong and what collective good is required at the end of the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Macbeth sountrack Essay Example for Free

Macbeth sountrack Essay In act 1 scene 5 is when Lady Macbeth found out the news about how Macbeth would become the Thane of Cawdor and king for the witches. I chose the song â€Å"I Want It All† by Queen to represent this scene. Part of the songs lyrics are â€Å"I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now†. Lady Macbeth heard the news that he would be king and she right away wanted to accomplish that. She didn’t want to wait but instead she take the steps necessary to make Macbeth king as soon as possible. In act 1 scene 6 is when the king and others arrive at Macbeth’s castle to stay the night. I chose the song â€Å"Let Em In† by Paul McCartney to represent this scene. The songs lyrics are â€Å"Someones knockin at the door, somebodys ringin the bell, do me a favor, open the door and let em in†. This perfectly describes that scene because when King Duncan arrives Lady Macbeth is there to let them in. She already has a plan figured out for them and can’t wait to execute it. In act 3 scene 4 I chose the song â€Å"I’m Going Slightly Mad† by Queen to represent this scene. In the scene Macbeth is having a dinner party and notices that all the seats are taken. When he sees that his seat is taken by the ghost of Banquo he starts talking to the ghost who is invisible to everyone else. The lyrics â€Å"I’m going slightly mad† describe how Macbeth was acting really strange and made the guests question him. The ghost later came back and made Macbeth have an outburst again alarming the guests which sent them home. A symbol that is portrayed in this play is the weather. The weather plays a role in which if something bad is coming up a storm might appear. The song â€Å"The Thunder Rolls† by Garth Brooks reminds of when the witches would enter and a storm would move in. Also the night that Duncan got murdered, a terrible storm came in that night indicating that something bad happened. These natural occurrences are hints to the audience that something isn’t right and the song does a good job of describing a thunder storm. In act 1 scene 7 is when Lady Macbeth told Macbeth to be a man and kill Duncan. â€Å"When you durst do it, then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would; Be so much more the man†. I chose the song â€Å"I’ll Make a Man out Of You† from the movie Mulan. This song is about training men to become manlier and this is what Lady Macbeth wanted Macbeth to do. She wanted him to become manlier and do what she tells him. I chose the song â€Å"Tragedy† by the Bee Gees to describe the whole play. The genre of this play is tragedy and this song describes â€Å"when you lose control† of everything. Macbeth took things too far and lost everyone that was close him. The lyric â€Å"With no one beside you, you’re goin’ nowhere† reminds when Lady Macbeth died then he really didn’t have anyone else. Since he had no one with him for support, the only way he could go was down.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Operations Management At New Belgium Brewing Business Essay

Operations Management At New Belgium Brewing Business Essay In 1991 after Jeff Lebesch was not able to get a loan from the bank he started a beer brewing company with his wife Kim Jordon is the basement of their home with only a small capital investment. They delivered their beer in their station wagon. With the profits they generated their company soon outgrew the besetment, and moved to another location in a railroad depot, and finally in 1995 they built a state of the art custom facility which cost $21.5 million. They spent $11.5 million on a 55,000 square foot building, and $10 million on new equipment. Until 2005 NBBs most effective form of advertising has been word of mouth. Indeed before New Belgium beers were widely distributed throughout Colorado, one liquor store owner in Telluride is purported to have offered people gas money if they would stop by and pick up New Belgium on their way through Ft. Collins. While NBBC has not deviated from its original principles, the methods and people who operate the brewery have become more formal and professional. Production managers and continuous-improvement experts from outside the craft-brewing community have been recruited. As they reshape the manufacturing practices and identify projects with the best returns and highest impact, theyre careful not to squelch staff involvement. By starting in there basement as a small company they were able to focus on the quality of the beer rather than the quantity of it. New Belgium ensures that quality at the plant is monitored closely. Through the process the quality of the inputs as they are transformed is examined. Quality assurance is a critical element of the operations management. However it is difficult and a challenge to maintain a consistent product. The quality of the product should never suffer as a result of the size of the company. When a company is large it is more important than ever that the quality of the product stays the same, because the product is sold to more people. At New Belgium the entire process form receiving the hops, to brewing, and bottling is monitored constantly, to insure that the product is at the highest quality. Even though the quality of the inputs change, the quality of the product should not change. They maximize productivity by fully utilizing their technology. New Belgium closel y monitors the quality at the plant. The new technology will continue to be efficient, high tech, and environmentally friendly. implementing a compassionate business model that aims to steward the resources of Earth and nourish its employees, New Belgium has also been successful in maintaining healthy financials. They like to say that they are profitable, not in spite of their social and environmental efforts, but because of them. Sustainable production is not merely a feel-good effort; its a pocketbook issue for NBBCs 350 workers: After one year of employment with the company, the employees become employee-owners. All employees are considered area leaders, and everyone is responsible for ensuring that the quality remains high. The employees of New Belgium own 43% of the company through their Employee Stock Ownership Plan or ESOP. While giving employees ownership in the company sets the foundation for an engaged workforce, the real connections occur beyond the Share Statements.  T he reason for New Belgiums success are the companies Purpose and Core Values Beliefs Coupled with the structure and support at the executive level, employee engagement is the key ingredient in High Involvement Culture.  With their employees connected to the key functions of the business, They solicit ideas from over 300 unique perspectives.  This helps the brewery to operate more intelligently while recognizing everyones unique gifts.  These are the practices they have used to build New Belgiums distinctive culture. New Belgium opens all of the books to it employs and provides financial training so people can understand the business of doing business.  At monthly All-Staff meetings they review the financials, and employees have the opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback.  Each employee makes decisions in his or her role that affects New Belgiums profitability, whether it is about a capital expansion project or leaving a faucet running while they wash their ha nds.  It all adds up.  When a employee is connected to the higher purpose of the company and educated on the financial outcomes of their actions, they are empowered to make decisions that benefit the business as a whole. Trusting each other with this level of detail also helps us to feel appreciated, empowered, and ultimately more fulfilled. These practices galvanize coworkers to be engaged in New Belgium, to claim the companys Core Values and Beliefs which call them to honor nature at every turn of the business as their own.   What is good for the environment is ultimately good for business. They dont want to leave the faucet running or the lights turned on because it costs money and natural resources.  Ã‚  In addition to the practices which promote High Involvement Culture, they also work to engage employees in environmental stewardship.   The first two beers that they produced were Fat Tire, and Abbey, which are still sold today. The new building will feature an automated, high-speed bottling line which will increase output to 700 bottles a minute compared to the 300 bottles a minute. The current production is at 400,000 barrels per year, with expansion that is expected to increase up to 800,000 barrels per year. Since 2008, they have opened up distribution in 7 new states:   Georgia, North Carolina, North Dakota, Indiana, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Tennessee.  Added to their existing states of distribution (Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Tennessee, Washington and Wyoming), New Belgium now sells beer in 26 states, but all of this beer is brewed in Fort Collins, Colorado. New Belgium receives numerous e-mails and phone calls everyday inquiring when it will be available elsewhere. In 1995 when the Philanthropy program was conceived, they began donating 1 dollar for every barrel of beer produced to non-profit organizations in the communities where they do business.  Since its inception, New Belgium Brewing has donated more than $2.5  million through our Philanthropy program. There coworkers have also donated many volunteer hours to non-profits organizations in the region. There coworkers are given one hour of (paid time off) for every two hours they volunteer with philanthropic organizations. Question 2 Why is it important to engage employees in ownership to enhance quality and efficiency? In todays economy, brewing fine ale and creating a valued trademark in the competitive brewing industry is a hard task to achieve. You need to ensure uniform quality in the countless bottles you produce, have dedicated and hardworking staff to ensure smooth and efficient operations, and always look for better methods of exceeding the consumers expectations. New Belgium Brewery understands this, and came up with a simple solution that would ensure all of these points are met. After one year employment at New Belgium, an employees status is upgraded to employee-owner and they are rewarded with company shares. New Belgium realized that the pros of making their employees into owners were countless. The promotion alone insures employees coming into work motivated to do their assigned duties to their full potential, and creates a more productive work environment with everyone focused on meeting the same goals. The incentive being that if the business does well, their pay increases. With this incentive, employees will ensure the quality of the beer is exceptional and will strive to exceed standards; this helps maintain the companys vision in creating higher quality brews. The employee-owner incentive program used at New Belgium not only gives the company a competitive edge with enhanced quality but also aids in employee retention which in turn reduces the costs of hiring and training employees. Now, not only does New Belgium have hard working, dedicated employees, they have a large workforce concentrated on how to improve the business. As part owners, an employee can bring up any idea on what could make the company sell more, produce more, or in some cases what needs to be fixed and how it could be done. It wouldnt matter what department you are in, if you had an innovative idea on how to help the company, you have the ability to voice your ideas to senior management. For example, if they produce new ale with a full smooth taste yet is somehow not selling as much as it should; the marketing team could have overlooked the fact that their ales label could be mistaken for a crude picture, employees who have no knowledge of marketing could set up a meeting and bring light to the marketing misstep as the probable cause for lack of sales. We believe there is still one additional reason why New Belgium has made this decision. A major problem companies have is creating an integrated workforce where the issues and concerns employees have may not be correctly handled. New Belgium has ensured the safety of the companys business and the happiness of employees by introducing employee-owners. It also thwarted the possibility of added costs from employees who would have to use walk-outs or union representation to be heard by their managers. The question most businesses ask is why should you give employees partial ownership? Yet New Belgium proves that it should be, why would you cripple your business by not? Question 3 What does alternatively empowered mean to you? After reviewing the information provided by the New Belgium Brewery website, I have come to view alternatively empowered as a means of giving back to the environment b y stressing conservation and including environmental responsibility in the strategic planning process. In todays modern industrial society, companies who grow bigger usually do so at the cost of the environment, because in most cases as companies grow the costs related to environmental stewardship increases as well. On the other hand New Belgium Breweries continues to expand at an impressive pace; their ranking in the US Beer industry has been getting better and better as they age, while their growth has been ahead by at least 1% in comparison to other craft brewing companies in the industry, all the while keeping their carbon footprint at a low. This is what being alternatively empowered means. Comment on what New Belgium Beliefs are related to being Environmental Stewards. The New Belgium Beliefs are eight guidelines that define what environmental stewardship means to the company. More specifically in terms of what New Belgium believes it has to do as a company to considered environmental stewards. These include caring for the environment. Minimizing waste, so that the minimum amounts of natural resources are wastefully used, and reducing dependence on non environmental friendly methods of electricity, through means of self generating power and purchasing clean wind power. Conservatively using the rocky mountain water resources. Maximize conservation and efficiency. Increase use of new technologies. To make environmentalism a fun way of doing things and not the hard or costly manner of doing things. New Belgium Brewery is working towards achieving these guidelines through there alternatively empowered efforts. They have nine efforts that incorporate these guidelines. These include increasing efficiency by using new technologies such as Steineckers Merlin, which reuses the energy from the last batch in the next in the form of heat. They try to minimize the use of lighting by taking advantage of three hundred and sixty days of sunlight and the cooling needs are satisfied through evaporative cooling rather than electricity guzzling compressors. They also use wastewater treatment to reduce load on environment and get by products. This process also provides them with a source of electricity. By making environmental decisions only with the consensus of the employees they ensure that nobody feels they are being forced to do something that they do not want to. (New Belgium Brewery, 2010) In the subsection entitled Alternatively Empowered Efforts, Choose two of the efforts and discuss how they fit into overall sustainability mandate of the company as outlined in the 2007 sustainability reports Letters from the Sustainability Director. One of the most important factors discussed in the directors letter is that though they claimed that the energy used by them is 100% wind generated it is instead less than half and this will change through their efforts. The two efforts most closely linked to this mandate are the following: On-Site Energy Production Any industry today requires a large amount of electricity to operate and it is next to impossible to get all of it from wind generated sources as they are not so readily available and costly. On-Site Energy production would reduce the demand for electricity from outside sources and thus enable the company to meet more of its energy requirements from wind powered sources. This method of energy production reduces electricity intake by 15%, thus bringing their level of wind powered sources to more than 50%, which with further improvements could go higher. Wind-Powered Electricity since 1999 An important factor is the agreement signed with the Colorado government in 1998, which meant the company would be supplied as much power as possible through wind generation even though the cost would be more. This agreement allowed the government to put up more wind turbines, thus increasing the power available through wind generated sources, which is another step towards the mandate provided by the director. (Orgolini, 2007) Question 4 Do you think New Belgiums focus on environmental responsibility and sustainability in its production process is a major cost or a benefit that enhances the profits of the company? The New Belgium brewery website states that they are profitable not in spite of our social and environmental efforts but because of them (New Belgium Brewery, 2010); the following paper aims to illustrate this statement by describing how their conservation efforts have enhanced the profits and brand image of the company. New Belgium is the third largest regional craft brewery with production steadily increasing since 2005; this success has been achieved while still keeping sustainability and environmental responsibility at the forefront of their strategic planning process. New Belgium has implemented a sustainability management system which brings a structured approach to environmental and conservation efforts. Through accurate gathering and representation of the negative impact there manufacturing process has on the environment New Belgium was able to target specific areas for improvement. New Belgium brewery puts this practice into action by investing in efficient equipment most notably there brew kettle the Steinecker Merlin; which heats thin sheets of wort rather than the whole kettle and stores steam and vapor thats allows the wort to heat at a quickened pace reducing the amount of primary energy used. New Belgiums energy conservation efforts dont stop there; their site claims that the most sust ainable watt is the watt never used (New Belgium Brewery, 2010) and theyve introduced various initiatives that stress conservation including; taking advantage of natural light with light tubes and light shelves, and switching to HVAC evaporative coolers that use much less energy. By designing with conservation in mind new Belgium has increased its efficiency and reduced the energy input needed in their manufacturing process; this ultimately translates to a positive increase to their profits and public image. New Belgium also uses a closed loop system by pumping methane gas generated from their waste treatment facility to a 292Kw co-gen engine that produces up to 15% of their energy needs. Though the system had malfunctioned in the past a partnership with Woodward led to the installation of new controls that have led to even greater efficiency. This illustrates another aspect of New Belgiums commitment to environmental reasonability; by actively seeking out support to optimize their equipment theyve reduced their environmental impact and built lasting and useful relations with various business and government sponsored conservation programs. This can also be seen in New Belgiums appointment of outside consultants when developing there SMS system. In 2010 new Belgium commissioned the construction of a solar array on the top of the packaging hall, at the time it was the largest private solar array in Colorado and displays New Belgiums innovative attempts to harness sustainable energy. The solar array currently provides over 3% of new Belgiums energy needs and will continue to far into the future. In 1999 the New Belgium employee-owners voted unanimously to switch their purchased energy entirely to wind power. Though this included a 2.5cent premium on every watt produced; effectively reducing the employee-owners bonus pool the unanimous vote showed that New Belgiums efforts to reduce their carbon foot print had supported from everyone in the company. Even though th e switch to wind power reduced profits in the short run the unifying vote and positive effects to employee morale ( employees are happier when they feel they have a voice in their workplace) may eventually offset the loss with increased efficiency and employee retention. New Belgiums switch to wind power also had a ripple effect through derived demand; allowing Fort Collins Utilities to become the first utilities company in Colorado to offer wind power. In conclusion New Belgiums continued efforts to reduce their carbon foot print and deep commitment to sustainable production has been an overall benefit to the company by decreasing inputs to their manufacturing process and improving brand image.