Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Novi brand, slogan i portal Novigrada U svim boja Essays

Novi brand, slogan i portal Novigrada "U svim bojama Istre" Novigrad koji spada u klaster sjeverozapadna Istra, jedan od sedam klastera definiranih masterplanom turisti?kog razvoja Istarske ?upanije, ponajvi?e je poznat po svojoj turisti?koj tvrtki Laguna Novigrad ?ija je tradicija duga ?etiri desetlje?a. Ukupnu ponudu Novigrada kao turisti?kog odredi?ta Istre ?eli se podignuti na vi?u razinu, me?u ostalim i s ciljem produljenja turisti?ke sezone. U tu je svrhu tijekom 2010. godine razvijena marka Colours of Istria - U svim bojama Istre, a nastala je suradnjom turisti?kih zajednica gradova Umag, Novigrad, Brtonigla i Buja te hotelijera Istraturist Umag i Laguna Novigrad. Vizualno rje?enje branda predstavlja ve? prepoznatljiva lepeza u ?etiri boje: plava, naran?asta, zelena i ljubi?asta, a svaka od boja predstavlja jednu od specifi?nosti ponude sjeverozapadne Istre. Kroz teme wellness i more, sport i zabava, priroda i kampiranje i gastronomija prezentirana je ponuda klastera sjeverozapadne Istre. Tako plava boja lepeze predstavlja sunce, ?isto more, pla?e, nauti?ki turizam te neizostavnu ponudu wellnessa u Novigradu. Naran?astom se bojom ?eli naglasiti sport u Novigradu a Novigrad promovirati kao destinaciju za aktivan odmor. Upravo je zahvaljuju?i brojnim ulaganjima u sportske objekte i doga?anja sjeverozapadna Istra postala atraktivnom destinacijom za aktivni odmor. Prirodne ljepote, kampovi te aktivnosti za opu?tanje kao ?to je ?etnja predstavljene su zelenom bojom. Naposljetku sjeverozapadna Istra okuplja neke od najboljih vinara i restorana u Hrvatskoj pa se ljubi?astom bojom Novigrad predstavlja kao destinacija gourmeta i vina. Ova tema ujedno predstavlja zabavna doga?anja u Novigradu i najavljuje doga?anja u regiji; voditi Vas u posjet gastronomskim manifestacijama, fe?tama posve?enim namirnicama, hrani, maslinovom ulju ili vinu te raznim priredbama, koncertima i sportskim doga?anjima. U sklopu projekta razvoja brand imid?a destinacije Novigrad izra?en je i portal koji na jednom mjestu objedinjuje sve informacije potrebne za planiranje odmora na podru?ju sjeverozapadne Istre. Portal je aktivan od lipnja 2011. godine i zada?a mu je da kroz ve? spomenutu lepezu boja Colours of Istria predstavlja najbolje od onoga ?to gradovi sjeverozapadne Istre i njihove okolice nude posjetiteljima. Portal nudi kompletnu ponudu smje?taja na podru?ju sjeverozapadne Istre. Na podru?ju Novigrada tako se nudi smje?taj u hotelima, malim i obiteljskim hotelima, kampovima, apartmanskim naseljima te ponudu privatnog smje?taja. Novi brend, slogan i portal Buja "U svim bojama Istre" U sklopu razvoja brand imid?a destinacije Buje tijekom 2010. godine izra?en je novi vizualni i verbalni identitet turisti?ke destinacije. Brand je razvijen suradnjom turisti?kih zajednica gradova Umag, Novigrad, Brtonigla i Buja te hotelijera Istraturist Umag i Laguna Novigrad. Novi brand destinacije Buje predstavlja ve? prepoznatljiva lepeza u ?etiri boje; plava, naran?asta, zelena i ljubi?asta, od kojih svaka boja predstavlja jednu od specifi?nosti sjeverozapadne Istre. Novi brand osna?en je i novim sloganom: Colours of Istria - U svim bojama Istre koji komunicira kluster sjeverozapadne Istre koji u svojim bojama prezentira svoje specifi?nosti i diferencijaciju unutar Istre. Kroz teme wellness i more, sport i zabava, priroda i kampiranje i hrana i vino prezentirana je ponuda Buja kao i ?itavog klastera sjeverozapadne Istre. Prva, plava boja na lepezi predstavlja sunce, more, pla?e, nauti?ki turizam a tu je i neizostavna ponuda wellnessa u Bujama. Regija sjeverozapadne Istre postala je poznata po svojoj sportskoj ponudi i doga?anjima. To ponajprije mo?e zahvaliti ulaganjima u sportske objekte i manifestacije. Na podru?ju Buja tako?er treba istaknuti biciklizam te slikovite pje?a?ko- biciklisti?ke staze. Sport u Bujama i regiji predstavljam je naran?astom bojom na lepezi. Priroda i kampiranje predstavljeni su zelenom temom koja ukazuje na brojne prirodne ljepote, opu?tanje u prirodi i mogu?nou za kampiranjem. Naglasak je stavljen na brigu o o?uvanju okoli?a i visoke ekolo?ke standarde u poslovanju kampova. Regija sjeverozapadne Istre okuplja neke od najboljih restorana, vinara i maslinara u Hrvatskoj stoga je tu i ljubi?asta boja - hrana i vino. Gastronomija u Bujama predstavljena je kroz pri?e o istarskom tartufu, doma?im fu?ima i njokima, istarskom pr?utu te brojnim drugim delicijama. Ljubi?asta boja ujedno predstavlja i zabavu u Bujama i najavljuje doga?anja u regiji. Gosti tako imaju prilike u?ivati u brojnim glazbenim, sportskim i gastro manifestacijama ili oku?ajte sre?u u nekoj od elitnih kockarnica. Razvoj branda i slogana prati i objava portala Colours of Istria. Portal je aktivan od lipnja 2011. godine. Karakteristika portala je da je na jednom mjestu predstavljena bogata ponuda gradova sjeverozapadne Istre i njihovih zale?a. Tako?er, portal Colours of Istria nudi cjelokupnu ponudu smje?taja za podru?je sjeverozapadne Istre. Buje je u svojoj ponudi smje?taja obuhvatio hotelski smje?taj, smje?taj u malim i obiteljskim hotelima, kampiranje te privatni smje?taj. Novi brend, slogan i portal Bronigle "U svim bojama Istre" Ukupnu ponudu Brtonigle kao turisti?kog odredi?ta Istre ?eli se podignuti na vi?u razinu, me?u ostalim i s ciljem produljenja turisti?ke sezone. Turisti?ka zajednica Brtonigle, u suradnji sa turisti?kim zajednicama ostalih gradova klastera sjeverozapadne Istre (Umag, Novigrad i Buje) te hotelijera Istraturist Umag

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Common Writing Errors Parallel Construction, Sentence Fragments

Common Writing Errors Parallel Construction, Sentence Fragments In November 2010, InternsOver40, a popular job-search site for older job seekers, published an article entitled Bobby’s Rant, Rave Whatever: Less is More? The second paragraph begins as follows: â€Å"Over the years I have ranted   to many of my close friends  that in my worst day I have more than 98% of the world. Those people who live on less than $68 dollars a month(yes month).† [sic] While I like the sentiment of this article, I am compelled to rant about its writing style.   First, there are small formatting issues like the extra space between â€Å"ranted† and â€Å"to,† and the lack of a space prior to â€Å"(yes month).†Ã‚   That’s just a tiny little rant. Did you Understand That Sentence?   Parallel Construction More notably there’s the sentence, â€Å"In my worst day I have more than 98% of the world.†Ã‚   Do you see the ambiguity here?   Honestly when I first read the sentence I did not understand it.   I thought the author was saying he had in his possession some percentage of the world.   Upon second or third reading, I realized he meant that he had more than does 98% of the world – or that he has more than 98% of the world has. On a basic level, the problem here is parallel construction.   Lack of parallel construction is an issue that plagues many writers, and that takes the sense out of sentences.   In my article about correlative conjunctions, I addressed the issue of parallel construction when using conjunctions such as both and and in a sentence.   If you read that article, you learned that the phrases after the correlative conjunctions â€Å"both† and â€Å"and† must be the same part of speech, e.g. He likes both running and swimming.   The same idea applies here. Take the following sentence.   How would you interpret its meaning? I like coffee more than my husband. Read grammatically, this sentence would imply that given a choice between coffee and her husband, the writer would choose coffee.   And although we might be able to cut corners in our spoken communications, it doesn’t work in writing. Now read: I like coffee more than does my husband. OR I like coffee more than my husband likes it. OR I like coffee more than my husband does. These versions are looking much better for the husband. To write an unambiguous sentence, we need to look at the two things being compared to ensure they are really the things we want to compare! â€Å"I like coffee more than my husband† has nouns (coffee, husband) as the compared objects, so â€Å"coffee† is compared against â€Å"my husband.†Ã‚   â€Å"I like coffee more than does my husband† has verbs as the compared objects (like, does) so we are comparing degrees of the verb â€Å"like.†Ã‚   And â€Å"I like coffee more than my husband likes it† again compares verbs (like, likes). Sentence Fragments You may also have noticed that the last sentence in the InternsOver40 paragraph is not a sentence.   It reads, â€Å"Those people who live on less than $68 dollars a month(yes month).† You can probably spot a sentence fragment when you see one.   Sometimes sentence fragments can be used to stylistic advantage, but I don’t think this particular fragment was effective, especially considering the multitude of other errors in the paragraph. If you are concerned, as I am, about what a major job seeking resource like InternsOver40 is teaching job seekers about how to write, please share your concern with them.   I personally would like to see InternsOver40 post well-written, well-edited articles that will give candidates tools to shine in their written presentation. Do you have a question about how to keep your sentence structure parallel?   Or about whether a sentence is a sentence fragment?   Id love to listen to and answer your questions.   Please share your comments below. Image courtesy Damian Cugley CC BY-SA 2.0 Category:Grammar Writing TipsBy Brenda BernsteinFebruary 21, 2011

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Procurement and management of construction Essay

Procurement and management of construction - Essay Example It is major contributing factor to client satisfaction in the entire processes as well as the accomplishment of the plan with reference to the above descriptions and definition of the project participants and authorities (Cox 2005, p 75). There are numerous procurement methods and their selection can result to a successful or unsuccessful project. It is advised that procurement method selection is of greater importance especially after the recent financial slow-down and the latest bubble bursts among properties. Its importance is based on the ability of controlling the risk, time, responsibilities and entire building costs. The selection of a procurement method is mostly based on the scope and nature of the work under preposition. Other factors may include apportionment of the risks, where and how the design responsibility has to be placed, coordination of the entire process and the contract price on which the entire process is to be awarded. In choosing and settling on the forms of contract, it is essential to make a choice on the type of contact and procurement method. Procurement using the traditional approach has the clients accepting consultant’s appointment for designing, controlling cost, administration of the contract and that is the outworker is accountable for the works being carried out. These discussed responsibilities are extended to all employees or workforces that include suppliers and sub-contractors. The disadvantages of the traditional method of contracting include the engagement of contractors in the nominated, named and pre-selected methods. This is because the contractors may take full charge of the performance or even have limited responsibilities. In the case of the latter, it is essential to have a warranty between the sub-contractor and the clients. Another disadvantage is that the choice of contractors is usually based on competitive tenders that include presentation of documents to provide complete information. Other factors th at can be used in the choice of contractors include earlier appointments through nomination information, partial nomination or through negotiation. In most cases, people use the accelerated traditional method of contracting that involves two stages of negotiating or tendering. An advantage to this method is the ability for the construction to run or continue parallel to an extent that is limited. An additional advantage is that it creates an opportunity for early starting on the site as well as entailing costs that are less certainty. Other traditional methods include sequential traditional lump sum system of building contracting. The client and the construction company In the projects discussed below, there are numerous contractors and subcontractors involved with the client being Wembley National Stadium Limited. The construction industry in the United Kingdom is consisted of about three hundred firms that offer employment to almost two million individuals. These people are held u p in different roles and embraces suppliers and producers, products and construction materials, manufacturers and building services, installers and providers, contractors and sub contractors, advisers, professional and construction clients. Others who are included into this industry are organizations relevant to design, operation, building and refurbishment of buildings. In the UK, construction is essential since it provides a gross value added of about 8.7% that can be

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Research Paper on Stereotypes Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

On Stereotypes - Research Paper Example One understanding of stereotypes is that they emerge to exploit differences between competing groups. Stereotyping downplays similar characteristics and magnifies differences. One sees this occur among African-Americans, whose identity clearly goes more in-depth than racial background, as they are more American than African. However, American society consistently splits itself on lines of black vs. white. Another theory of stereotypes relies on psychological research and claims that for human beings it is too difficult to process all the nuances of individuality so stereotypes function to help cognitively organize groups of people. By assigning characteristics to large groups, it aids humans in simplifying, organizing, and predicting the society they function. As a result, there is decreased need to process new information that would distinguish people by individual traits. Sociologist Charles Hurst believes that, â€Å"†¦stereotypes (are) the lack of personal, concrete familia rity that individuals have with persons in other racial or ethnic groups. (Hurst 6).† In these regards, it’s clear that lack of familiarity encourages the lumping together of unknown individuals. Whatever the theory, it’s clear that stereotypes present a problem for society as they inhibit integration and function in large part to maintain a social caste system where upward mobility faces resistance. One can just view the cases of the maquilos workers on the Mexico – Florida border and the gender stereotypes they endured when attempting to receive fair and equitable wages and positions. Stereotypes are in direct opposition to our right as human beings to the pursuit of happiness and personal betterment. While stereotypes exist for a variety of reasons, it’s clear that there are a number of stereotypes that have emerged that are regularly believed by large groups of the general public. One of the major areas of stereotyping occurs in the area of gend er. In these regards, men are presented as needing to be concerned with sports and ‘manly pursuits. Oftentimes, there are stereotypes presented of woman, such as blondes as being outgoing and fun loving, while girls who read having a prudish edge. One comes to witness a great degree of gender stereotypes in phrases such as ‘you should never hit a girl’. As within such statements there is the belief that men should be weak and men physically strong. Another area of stereotyping occurs in terms of race. Race constitutes one of the major areas where stereotyping occurs. For instance, Mexicans are depicted as lazy, while Asians are depicted as being studious and career driven. Still more stereotyping occurs in regards to religion. If one speaks to individuals very familiar with sects of Christianity, for instance, they will oftentimes report that Baptists have different attitudes than Catholics or Lutherans. In addition, there are a wide variety of stereotypes regardi ng practitioners of Judaism, with these individuals being thought of as thrifty or intellectual. Finally, stereotyping also occurs in regards to people’s sexual preferences. In regards to sexual preference, gay individuals are oftentimes depicted as speaking with a lisp or doing fantastical or ‘fabulous’ things. They are also believed to wear specific types

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Rotator cuff tear Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Rotator cuff tear - Essay Example The shoulder (Mercier 28-29) is composed of three bones: the scapula,, the clavicle and the humerus. The scapula is a thin bone that articulates widely and closely with the posterior chest wall. It also articulates with the humerus by way of a small, shallow, glenoid cavity and with the clavicle at the acromion process. The clavicle and scapula are suspended from the cervical and thoracic vertebrae by the trapezius, levator scapula, and rhomboid muscles. Four articulations constitute the shoulder joint: the glenohumeral, scapulothoracic, acromioclavicular, and sternoclavicular joints. The stability of these joints is provided by a series of ligaments and muscles. Motion of the arm results from the coordinated efforts of several muscles. With the irritation of shoulder motion, the scapula is first stabilized. The muscles of the rotator (musculotendinous) cuff then steady the humeral head in the glenoid cavity and cause it to descent. Elevation of the arm results from a combination of scapulothoracic and glenohumeral joint movements. One third of total shoulder abduction is provided by forward and lateral movement of the scapula. The remaining two thirds occurs at the glenohumeral joint through progressively increasing activity of the deltoid and supraspinatus muscles. Thus, even in the complete absence of glenohumeral motion, scapulothoracic movement can still abduct the arm approximately 600 to 700. The muscle of the rotator cuff (supraspinatus, teres minor, infraspinatus, subscapularis) are separated from the overlying "coracoacromial arch" by two bursae, the subdeltoid and the subcoracoid. These bursae frequently communicate and are affected by lesions of the musculotendinous cuff, acromioclavicular joint, and adjacent structures. They are frequently referred to as the subacromial bursa. Primary diseases of this bursa are rare, although secondary involvement is quite common. The shoulder (Matt, July 23, 2002) is made up of three bones: the scapula (shoulder blade), the humerus (upper arm bone), and the clavicle (collar bone). The rotator cuff connects the humerus to the scapula. The rotator cup is formed by the tendons of four muscles: the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. Tendons attach muscle to the bones. Muscles move the bones by pulling on the tendons. The rotator cuff helps raise and rotate the arm. As the arm is raised, the rotator cuff also keeps the humerus tightly in the socket of the scapula. The upper part of the scapula that makes up the roof of the shoulder is called acromion, A bursa is located between the acromion and the rotator cuff tendons. A bursa is a lubricated sac of tissue that cuts down on the friction between two moving parts. Bursae are located all over the body where tissue must rub against each other. In this case, the bursa protects the acromion and the rotator cuff from grinding against each other. The Encyclopedia of Medicine explained the movements of the shoulder joint as follows: "The shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket joint which allows 3600 of movement to give maximum flexibility. In addition to enabling these movements, the muscles of the pectoral girdle add stability. The movements

Friday, November 15, 2019

The History Of The Arduino Microcontroller

The History Of The Arduino Microcontroller The Arduino microcontroller was initially created as an educational platform for a class project at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea1 in Milan (Italy) in 2005. It derived from a previous work of the Wiring microcontroller designed by Hernando Barragà ¡n2 in 2004. From the beginning, the Arduino board was developed to attract artists and designers. The Wiring microcontroller was created by Hernando Barragan to be used for parsing data to electronic devices. His aim was that it could be used by non-technical people who only had basic experience with using computers. He first of all wanted it to be used as a prototyping tool. Since he needed help to create an easy software tool to programme the board he engaged Casey Reas3 and Massimo Banzi4 as his assistants. Reas created the visual programming language for the prototyping tool. He had studied interaction art as an undergraduated, and continued studying with John Maeda5 at the MIT6. After that he developed Processing7, an easy programme language oriented to designers and artists. Banzi was more interested in developing the microcontroller as an art and design tool. So he decided to brake up with Barragan and to instead create a new prototype that would fit with his ideals. The Arduino creators were Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles8, Dave Mellis9, Gianluca Martino10 and Tom Ignoe11. This team wanted to simplify the Wiring board through the Arduino microcontroller (created by Banzi), making it easier and friendlier for the non-technical audience. And that was one of their goals to make this device triumph against others. The price was another goal to make them win against others. The Wiring Board costs about  £ 54 while the Arduino Board is  £ 20. That makes sense because it is less powerful and smaller than the Wiring Board. But this isnt a problem for designers and artists because they were searching for something that could be destroyed and your wallet wouldnt suffer from that. David Zicarelli12 (): I was really struck by the idea of what a radically inexpensive computer could mean to people making art a design goal of the Arduino project was that you could make installations and not have to tear them apart when you were done because you needed your laptop to read your e-mail. So then you can leave it embedded into projects permanently. Another way to assist users was the USB connection. The Wiring Board works with a Serial port, which is more difficult to have in a normal computer or laptop and to work with. The Arduinos plug and play nature makes it easy to understand and easy to manipulate the interaction of a project. Further goals were to achieve competitive advantage in IDE13 and open source14 supported by the community. 3. IDE. The software tool Every microcontroller needs software to be programmed. The Arduino board is not a case apart. It has its own integrated development environment (IDE). It is free and everyone can download it from its official website using either the Windows, Mac OS X or Linux platform. That allows Arduino Board to gain more users and it also helps it to grow. The IDE is very easy to understand. It contains only three different sections. The compiler, the text editor and the debugger. In the compiler part we can find the verifying tool that shows the user if the code was well written. Next to that tool, there is a button to make a new project. Then, we can see the open and save buttons; the project can be opened or saved in any folder. In addition we can find the most important tool, the compiler tool that allows you, when the code is verified, to upload the code into the Arduino Board. And the last button that it has is the serial monitor tool, which is used to debugging and monitoring data from your project. The next section is the text editor tool where the code is written. Arduino works with processing language. This language was designed with the intention to make cryptic looking instructions comprehensible and useful. It contains a lot of libraries15, which make it easier for artists and designers to prototype their ideas. However, experienced users are allowed to work in a lower programmatic level to access certain aspects of the Arduino code. In other words this means the more experience a user has the lower is the level in which he can work. And the last section is where the debugger is placed. This one provides feedback to the user fostering confidence to move forward at a rapid pace. It also helps to find the bugs in the code when this doesnt work. The whole Arduino project is supported by a community. The IDE and the Arduino microcontroller continuously advance in hardware design, software examples and popularity because users save and share documents, codes and designs online. This method of allowing other users to freely use someone elses documents is called open source. This means that every user contributes a part even if it is only a very small one to the fast development of Arduino project. However, the Arduino project is not only useful for artists and designers but also for other groups of people such as engineers, hardware hackers, interaction designers, educators and robotics enthusiasts. For example, if you are an engineer you can work on artistic projects and if you are and artist you could work on engineer project as well. This means those groups of people are blending ideas each other to growing up the Arduino community.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Corporate Crime Essay -- Legal Issues, Fraud

conventional criminals. For example an individual that steals bread from a supermarket to feed his/her child if convicted would go to prison or have to pay a fine that they cannot afford. However on the other hand an individual that commits corporate fraud and cons people out of millions of pounds when convicted may have to pay a monetary fine. This is typically not a problem for them as they are not committing crimes due to being in the cycle of deprivation. Usually they commit offenses because of greed. One would question whether the policies and laws are fair when dealing with conventional crime versus corporate crimes? Again this brings us back to the question as why such crimes lightly prosecuted. The sophistication of these crimes makes them difficult and expensive to investigate and prosecute because they are time consuming, labour intensive and financially expensive. For example, if a police officer occupies his/her time on fraud their overall performance would be considered as being poor, in terms of costs and benefits. Thus usually resulting in these sorts of crimes being ignored and no one being prosecuted for the offence. Due to the general invisibility of fraud there is less politicians or media pressure for police officers to deal with these crimes. For this reason fraud is regarded as low priority in most police forces. Also White collar crimes and corporate crimes usually are lightly prosecuted because the politicians do not want to bring it to light therefore there is less media attention and thus seen as being less serious and as the price paid for capitalism. Pearce and Tombs (1993) in their explanation of the disastrous release of toxic gases from the carbide factory in Bhopal, India in 1984 claimed the p... ...w and also in comparison to conventional crime. As both crime surveys and victim’s surveys do not give a clear and full picture of the true extent of crime. Police officers have to develop and become trained computer experts to be one step ahead of corporate criminals in this era of technology and computers where illicit activities occur on a more grand scale (global) and not just in the local neighbourhood. It can be concluded that this debate of why white collar crimes and corporate crimes are lightly prosecuted in comparison to conventional crimes will not end here, however one feels that due to advancement in technologies white collar crimes and corporate crimes will be on the increase thus government need to make policies and create harsher punishment in order to prevent and deter any companies committing these offenses in the near future.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Domestic and Community Violence Essay

Domestic abuse and child abuse cases have been on the rise in the recent past causing child and human rights activists to seek for ways of containing the situation. Previous studies have concluded that the cases of child abuse and domestic violence have risen in America and the world at large because of poor approaches used to contain them. In addition, the shocking news that more than 1,200 children die each year due to child abuse and a good percentage of them are girls less than 16years is worrying both parents and teachers. The rise in violence prevalence has been attributed to; poor child upbringing, poverty, modernization, lack of knowledge and neglect because studies have proved that abused ‘children’ will abuse their children in future etc (Nocav and Bourbonnais, 2002) The following issues indicate different stories; First, the U. S Advisory Board on Child Abuse has suggested that both child abuse and domestic violence may be the single major precursor to the main fatalities in the country hence the seriousness of the matter. This has come at a time when a survey conducted early this year found out that school age children who witness and exhibit violence of any form not only in their families but also in the churches, towns or schools suffer from problems such as; anxiety, depression and violence towards their peers. This calls for urgent strategies to prevent and address them at once. The best of them is the use of teachers to counsel the abused children, report suspected cases or take any necessary action that will be suitable. Teachers and domestic violence initiative program It has been noticed that more and more cases of child and domestic violence go unnoticed because of stigmatization or fear of retaliation especially by children. The main solution according to this program is to use the interactive ability of our teachers in schools to strictly follow any cases of suspected child abuse either directed to the child or to the parents. Children are very talkative especially with good interaction with their teachers are golden opportunities that can be used to assist those fighting the vice to get access to unreported cases. The objective of this program is to improve system and community responses of abuse of children and their families. All people today face the challenge of developing enhanced policies and programs to meet the increased need for curbing child abuse cases. This program will therefore ensure that members of the community respond immediately to allegations of child and women abuse. This report will deal with a program suitable for teachers in our schools to be in the front line in preventing domestic violence in our society. (Lupton and Power, 2002) The program considers the motivational tactics of getting teachers interact with their children outside the classroom and that they get the opportunity of knowing the problems children undergo while in class. It is obvious that children’s performance while in class reduce especially for abused children. In this program, teachers especially those teachers who teach children in lower grade classes will be taken through training sessions on how to interact more effectively with their students in class. The training sessions will also include learning the signs of domestically abused of sexually abused children The program will involve the utilization of services from survivors and activists who will keep the tracers well informed and properly equipped with the skills to handle, report and discuss cases of violence through the children. In that case, the children will be able to inform their teachers that their parents were quarrelling last night, they were raped last week or even misused over the weekend. These and other reporting tactics will be fundamental in helping the police to further investigate the allegations. As long as they will be funds to help schools identify troubled and troubled children at an early stage, it will be possible to rectify any impacts that might have been created by the abuses children go through. This program will therefore go a long way in boosting reconciliation and cutting incidences of crime and violence in our schools and society. When children are troubled and very disruptive in schools and at home, that is a sign of warning that children are either not being taken care of or they are experiencing some bad habits at home. It is then that teachers, parents and counselors come to look for causes of the wearied behaviors. The program described above will help in ensuring that such kind of strategies is achieved. (Nocav and Bourbonnais, 2002) Conclusion Teachers have a role to play in eradication domestic violence and child abuse in our society. They can do so by creating close interactions with their students who will then reveal what happens behind the curtains either to themselves or the house-help or any of their parents. Since the teachers will be given the opportunity to learn more about social and domestic violence, then it will be possible to change social and institutional norms that perpetuate family violence in the future. Together with other domestic violence programs, child welfare agencies and community organizers everybody can take part in forming effective collaborations and build partnership that will at the long run promote safe and health families. References Nocav, S. and Bourbonnais, C. (2002): No Room of Her Own. A Literature Review on â€Å"Women and Homelessness† CMHC Ottawa Lupton, R and Power, A. (2002): Social Exclusion & Neighborhoods. In Understanding Social Exclusion† Hills J, Le Grand J. & Piachaud D. Edn pp. 118- 140: Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Final Paper Juvenile Justice Essays

Final Paper Juvenile Justice Essays Final Paper Juvenile Justice Essay Final Paper Juvenile Justice Essay Final Paper Juvenile Justice BY SGreene93 Stephen Greene 12/03/2013 qc-113-001 Final Paper There are currently two programs specifically in Henderson County which I am writing this paper about. One of the programs is the local Boys and Girls Club of Henderson County and the D. A. R. E. Program of Henderson County. I decided to write about local programs because it would give me the opportunity to learn more about juvenile delinquency prevention programs within my own community. Both programs are a huge staple within Henderson County and are two of the most important uvenile delinquency prevention programs within Henderson County. First I will report about the local Boys and Girls Club within Henderson County. On November 1st 1993 The Boys Girls Club of Henderson Co. opened its doors to 150 youth in the Green Meadows Community Center. (This 2000-sq. -ft. room now houses the Clubs game-room and a kitchen. ) (3). In 1995 The Club obtained two adjacent houses†one eventually renovated into a teen center (1250 sq. t. ), and one renovated into a classroom facility and counseling center (1200 sq. ft. ) (3). In February 1996 The Club pened a 12,000-square-foot addition of classrooms, lobby, office space and a large gymnasium to serve the expanding membership (3). Between the years of 1998 and 1999 The Club operated a satellite unit in an old school annex building in East Flat Rock, expanding the Clubs reach into other parts of Henderson County (3). On January 1st, 2000 The Club opened its doors to a 3,000-square-foot Center for the Arts. : Divided into a visual arts space and a performing arts space, the building also houses the largest kitchen on campus. This expansion of the main campus allowed he organization to merge the East Flat Rock unit into the Green Meadows facility. Annual membership surged to more than 500, with a uniquely balanced distribution of African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Caucasian and Native American youth (3). Currently in the Henderson County branch of the Boys and Girls Club attendance is well over 1000 children, which is simply amazing. The mission of the Boys and Girls club is simple, to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens (1). The second rogram I am going to talk about is the Henderson County D. A. R. E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program. The D. A. R. E. program started in 1983 in Los Angeles, California as a partnership between parents, schools and law enforcement to educate children on the consequences of drug abuse and teaching good decision making skills to enable them to live productive drug and violence-free lives (2). The Henderson County branch started in 1985 in several schools in Henderson County as a pilot program for North Carolina and was implemented in 1987 in all the elementary schools locally (2). DARE has continued in the classroom since that time with well-trained, dedicated officers making a difference in childrens lives. The DARE Curriculum is focused at the 5th grade level, but has lessons available for all grades. There is also a D. A. R. E. amp in Henderson County, which is a summer program that children can attend that goes into even more detail than Just the course they are required to take in school. It is an amazing opportunity for the children as well as their mentors. DARE Camp has grown from a day camp with 35 campers to an overnight camp with approximately 220 campers each year (2). Activities include: archery, swimming, first aide, zip line, the blob, fishing, canoeing, crafts, team challenges, singing, devotions, skit night, campfire, DARE Dance, self-defense, kayaking, K -9 demonstration, speakers, lots of good food and fun (2). Campers learn to do new things, build friendships and more than anything learn that you can have an extraordinary amount of fun without drugs. Overall I feel like both of the local juvenile delinquency prevention programs within Henderson County are successful. With the Henderson County Boys and Girls Club I feel the way they attract the hildren into the program and once the children are accepted into the program they have peers around them that share a lot of similar traits and make the child feel comfortable. It is a great prevention method by putting trouble children with friends who will support them and mentors that will teach them how to live and have a successful life. The Boys and Girls Club of Henderson County will ultimately be successful in the long run. My definition of ultimately successful is helping any amount of children become more successful in life and divert them from making the rong choices, which is exactly what the Boys and Girls Club is accomplishing with their programs all around the world including Henderson County. The local D. A. R. E. program in Henderson County is another great program offered by Henderson County. I agree with making the D. A. R. E. program mandatory in elementary schools, if you target the children at a young age it accomplishes more before they get into drugs. The D. A. R. E program is not only in North Carolina, when I was in 5th grade I went through it in Florida where I went to elementary school, I now it affected me in a positive way by making drugs bad and promoting other things like friends and finding other hobbies that you can enjoy. Just like the Boys and Girls Club of Henderson County I feel that the D. A. R. E. program within Henderson County will be ultimately successful. I say this for the same exact reason as the last one, helping any amount of children become more successful in life and divert them from making the wrong choices is what is ultimately successful in my book. References: (1). N. p.. web. 1 Dec 2013.. (2). N. p.. web. 1 Dec 2013.. (3). N. p.. web. 1 Dec 2013..

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Robespiere essays

Robespiere essays In 1971, Europe began to foresee the end of a seemingly triumphant revolution in France. While the country restructured its government in a forceful but bloodless manner, the tyrant King Louis the XVI agreed to the demands of the masses. However, due to the fanatical aspirations of men such as Danton, Marat and Robespierre, it would be only a matter of months before this stage of social and political reform was transformed into a radical phase of barbaric force. In the quest for freedom and equality, the leaders of the Jacobins, followers of Robesprierre, turned the flourishing revolution into a dictatorship that threatened to destroy all that was achieved in the previous two years of insurrection. The revolution took a sharp turn on August 9th, 1792. The Municipal government was overthrown in Paris and a commune was established by the leaders of the radical forces. During this time there were continual food riots erupting in every area of the country and, with the threat of war against Austria and Prussia looming, it was vital that order was to be maintained. Although the constitution was already set in place and the citizens had their freedom and liberties, the public still questioned whether or not these laws would help create a new government and prevent the country from breaking apart. The people had come this far and were not prepared to watch their efforts lead to failure or the restoration of an absolute monarch. As a result, the radical forces were able to gain the support of the citizens in declaring that the constitution of 1791 was ineffective and useless since it did not suit the needs of all the population of France. Radicals insisted on domestic stability. Led by the Danton and Marat, the Paris Commune discarded the old constitution and called for a National Convention to begin work on a new, revised version. The National Convention, divided by the Ja ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Family Nurse Practitioner in Primary Care Assignment

Family Nurse Practitioner in Primary Care - Assignment Example The program was widely opposed by physician and nurses and many people from the nursing profession, their objection was regarding the title of the program as they believed that it is something very ambiguous and such training programs in primary care will easily â€Å"control and devour nursing education and practice† (O’Brien, 2003). With the passage of time, primary care programs for nurses have grown and have been classified into different programs: Women Health Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Adult Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Geriatric Nurse Practitioner and Psych-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. A family nurse practitioner is a registered nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Masters of Science in nursing degree. A family nurse practitioner is also a qualified and competent member of the healthcare sector, who is ready to fill a sensitive position of family nurse practitioner in primary care to provide services to meet the demands of the society. Family Nurse Practitioners have proven their efficiencies and effectiveness in providing high quality and cost effective health care services and health care consumers have also sensed the importance and value of a good service. A family nurse practitioner has several roles to choose from as a base for her career. FNP is able to serve the population living in both urban and rural areas such as hospitals, public health departments, physician offices, HMOs, community health centers, nursing homes, home health agencies and student health clinics. FNP is capable of providing them health care in acute illness, high blood press ure, headache, diabetes, chronic illness and obesity (Zerwekh. & Claborn., 2004). After the completion of nursing program/studies, nurses have many choices of roles to choose from as a final field to start practice. For a nurse practitioner,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Team Building Exercise Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Team Building Exercise - Research Paper Example Hence, conflict resolution is one of the most fundamental pre-requisite of team building. This paper aims at discussing an exercise that can help promote team building and resolve inter-personal conflicts in an organizational setup. Improving communication among the members enables the members to settle their issues, remove their differences and work in peace and mutual harmony. Therefore, the exercise discussed in this paper achieves conflict resolution and team building by way of improvement of communication. Back-to-back drawing: One of the most suitable ways to promote team building is indulging the team members in such exercises which they can enjoy and which can also provide the managers about object clues regarding the problem areas. One such exercise is back-to-back drawing. The following section demonstrates how this exercise can be conducted. How to conduct this exercise: For conducting this exercise, the group needs to be divided into individual pairs. Partners for each pair should be chosen at random. There should not be any preliminary planning nor should the individuals be allowed to choose the partners for themselves. The two members of each pair are supposed to face opposite each other and sit on the floor with their backs touching each other. In every pair, one of the members needs to be provided with a picture of any shape and the other member facing the other side should be provided with a pad and a pencil.